|Just My Type| Tony Stark X Reader

Start from the beginning

"Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over..." You sang, scrubbing your scalp with the shampoo. You rinsed the suds out of your hair, and added conditioner, leaving it in there, and then washing your face. After that was done you soaked the conditioner out of your hair.  Shutting the water off, you wrapped up in a fluffy- "shit." You mumbled; you forgot your towel. "Smart, (Y/N), smart." You said.

Poking your head out the non-see-through glass door, to check if anyone was there, like maybe Natasha or Wanda. You sighed, it's was empty. Quickly, you padded to the bench to grab the towel out of your bag. "Crash!" A loud noise from behind you rung. You snapped your head towards the sound; there he stood.

"Tony! What the fuck!" You shouted, covering yourself. He just simply stared at you. "Uhh... This is not the men's locker room?" He grinned. "No, it isn't! Get out!!" You grabbed your towel wrapping it around your form. He held his hands up in defence. 

"Pushy. I like that (L/N)." He laughed and strutted out of the room. You had a blush spread out on your features. "What the fuck?" You mumbled to yourself, quickly changing into a pair of joggers and a crop top. You brushed your (H/C) hair, into a wet messy bun and walked out. The exit was across the gym so you had to walk across it. "Hey (Y/N)! Had a good work out?" Steve asked smiling. "Great workout..." You faked a smile. "I'll be heading out now, bye." You waved, he returned the gesture.

You took your phone from your back pocket, turning it on. You had a few messages.

Clint: Hey, so I kinda broke the Xbox... Can you help me fix it?

Loki: Please tell Thor to call me.

Pietro: Hello (Y/N)! Would you like to join me? I'm going to the movies.

Pietro: Hello? (Y/N)?

Pietro: Nevermind, I see you are busy.

You replied a simple 'sorry I was working out' to Pietro. Then sent a middle finger emoji to Clint and typed 'It's not my problem, you deal with it.' You ended up bumping into Tony while you were walking and texting. "Ouch! Sorry, I-" you stopped yourself. "Oh, it's you." You grumbled. 

"Yeah, just plain old Tony." He grinned. "You're coming to my party tonight, right?" He raised an eyebrow, following closely by your side as you continued walking. "Yeah, why?" You rolled your eyes. "Oh, nothing." He grinned. "Just wondering." He continued his way and passed you. "Asshole." You gritted through your teeth. "Heard that!" He shouted from the corner. "You were supposed to!" You shouted back smugly and went to your shared floor with Bucky.

The elevator doors opened and the familiar sound ringed. You stepped in the kitchen and plopped your bag on the island. Bucky was cooking, he didn't notice you. You smirked.

"Oh, honey! I'm home." You sang. He looked at you with a smile plastered across his face. "Why hello dear, how was work?" He said in character. "Same old, same old! Bryan couldn't stop talking about last nights game." You imitated a man's voice. He chuckled. 

"Watcha cooking Bucky bear?" You wrapped your arms around his waist, giving him a small hug. "Stir fry, you want some?" He asked. You nodded and took a seat at the island. "Tony was in the girl's locker room today." You mumbled, resting your chin in your palm. 

"What?" He cocked his head. "Yeah, saw me butt naked." You frowned. "Oh god. Do you want me to pound his disgusting little face in the concrete?" He gently asked. "Haha no, it's just how he is. But thanks, Buck." You waved it off.

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