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Imagine a never ending room filled with huge things very far away, this is space. Our brains can't even comprehend the idea of space because of how crazy it is.

Space is romanticized by pretty stars and vast planets but honestly it's just endless space.

Most of the stars we're seeing today have exploded long ago but the light hasn't reached us yet.

Earth is the only inhabitable planet that we have found.

There are whole galaxies out there, there could be other life but we haven't got advanced technology that can travel that far with humans, and within a lifetime.

The idea of endless space continuing on and on is actually terrifying, no sounds just absolutely nothing.

There is nothing remotely nice about it, it's just empty for so long with huge things scattered around.

We have this idea that the planets are close by and huge but there is way more space in between them than we think. The size of the planets is nothing compared to to size of the space between them.

Space is a mystery, not necessarily a wonder.



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