first day of school

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*beep* *beep* *bee*-*CRASH* i throw my alarm clock across the room i looked at my watch that's beside my drawer and it red 7:30 i instantly got up and ran to my drawers and picked dark blue jeans light/dark blue jacket with a white t-shirt with a lightning rainbow bolt in the middle i then went to the bath room i took a quick shower and put on my close and grabbed my phone book bag and my watch i then ran to my little sisters room her name is scootaloo she was still asleep so i removed her blanket and shook her she then woke up and i said "get up squirt were going to be late for school"scoot rushed to her bath room and took a very quick shower and she put on blue jeans orange t-shirt   dark gray hoodie jacket she then got her book bag and her phone and her and i ran out side before my dad saw us he is really abusive we then took are bikes and ride it to school we got there at  8:19 "yes new record haha"i said and scoots just rolled her eyes playfully we then locked are bike and ran into the school we said bye and went are separate ways i was near my classroom till i accidentally bumped in to somebody and they fell i quickly helped them up "im so sorry i must have not seen were i was going" i said i then looked at her she was so beautiful her light pink hair and her her light yellow skin and her beautiful blue eyes they were hypnotizing me i realized i was staring at her i blushed light pink "h-hi im rainbow dash whats your name" the light pink hair girl hid behind her hair and said "i-i-im f-fluttershy "she said in a whisper voice witch it was hard to hear "what was that i didn't ketch that" "i-im fluttershy" this time i heard it "well do you want to be friends fluttershy " i asked she then nodded saying yes we both went to are classes witch turns out we got the same classes all of them isn't that amazing i think i fell asleep in class a couple of times but eh well after are last class we went to get are lunch in the cafeteria after that i was surprised by a pink blur witch i almost fell but lucky i didn't i saw who was in front of me she had poofy hair light pink skin blue eyes but not amazing as fluttetshys she wore a blue and white t-shirt and in the middle was a pink heart she was also wearing a pink skirt with three balloons  two were blue and one was yellow "hiImpinkiepiewhatsyourname!"she said  really fast but luckly i understood "im rainbow dash and this is fluttershy" i sad pointing to me and fluttershy witch she was hiding behind me aww thats so i falling in love with her we just met "hi i want all of you to meet my friends " she grabbed are hands and pulled us to her friends lucky we didn't spilled are food" hay guys meet rainbow dash and fluttershy and fluttershy and rainbow dash meet twilight sparkle rarity applejack" pinkie said i waved hi and fluttershy did as well she was hiding behind me still i sat next to the girl named applejack and fluttershy sat next to me applejack looked at me and smiled "howdy its nice to meet y'all " she pulled her hand out so i can shake witch i did "hay who wants to go to a sleep over party at my house today its going to be at 5:30 i live at sugercub corner" the other girls seemed to think about it but agreed i agreed as well so did fluttershy" wait what about my little sister my uh dad isn't going to be at home today he has to work late" "wait isn't yer sister name scootaloo"i was surprised applejack new my sisters name "yes how did you know that aj" "mah sister is friends with yer sister an she is also friends with rar little sister they were goin to sleep over at sweet apple acres today" "oh ok then" " darling whats that on your arm" said rarity looking at my arm i covered my arm and said" its nothing i was playing with my dog and he really has big nails he kinda scratched me there but its nothing" "are you sure darling" she said rasing an eyebrow" yes im sure" fwoo that was close well we all talk about are self and found out they almost all of them are in the same class as me well lunch was over and the rest of the day pasted by and finally it was time to go me and scootaloo ride are bikes home and we tried sneaking up but guess who decided to stop us yup it was are dam dad "were the fuck do you two think your going" i then said" up stairs going to do homework" he started throwing beer bottles at us witch most of them hurt me sins i was blocking them away from scoots we ran to my room and scoots help patched me up from my back i then helped her back for her sleepover and she helped me packed my stuff as well.

(P.s sorry if it seems short but its really lite here well i hope you like this is my first flutterdash twipie rarijack and story i wrote)

Flutterdash Twipie Rarijack ScootabellebloomOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz