Lucas is back

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Lucas:Maya I just want to see my daughter

Maya:why? You left her she doesn't even know you exist you know why because  you were not around  me and josh were Riley had to take care of Grace without your help so just leave now

Josh:(keeps Lucas pinned)

Sabrina:(walks into the room) mommy

Lucas:(looks at the little girl) your daughter

Maya:yes sabrina

Sabrina: Auntie Riley called

Maya:ok I'll call her back go to your room now

Sabrina:( runs to my room)

Josh:(let's go of lucas)

Lucas: look I wasn't ready for Grace

Maya:but your ready now?

Josh:your a stupid guy rileys great and Grace is amazing

Lucas:(sees a family photo and looks at it)

Lucas:(sees a family photo and looks at it)

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Lucas:you blonde haired kids huh?

Josh:just like their mother

Maya:eyes just like their father

Lucas:and Riley still believing?

Maya:never changed

*Riley and Farkles date was over and they came home they went for a kiss when*

Lucas: somethings have changed

Riley:(looks at lucas) what are you doing here?

Grace:Auntie Maya told him to leave and so did uncle josh



Lucas:I'm your dad

Sabrina:stay away from grace

Uriah:(hits Lucas leg) your a bad guy

Maya:uriah stay away from him

Uriah:(runs behind daddy )

Lucas:I'm ready for you and grace to be apart of my life

Farkle:your to late Lucas


Farkle:because they are my family stay away

Lucas:(gets mad and pins Farkle to the wall)THEY WILL NEVER BE YOUR FAMILY

Uriah:(starts to cry)

Grace:(starts to cry)


Sabrina:I'm on it mom (I grab uriah and Grace's hand and walk to the backyard)

Maya:Lucas leave

Lucas: you want me to leave then give me Grace


Lucas:then I'm not going anywhere

Riley:you will never get Grace

Lucas:you sure

Josh:we are sure

Riley:you left just stay away

Maya/josh:(checks on uriah and sabrina)

Sabrina:uriah everything will be ok mommy  and daddy will never let anything happen to us nor Grace they love us to much

Josh:your right sabrina we will make sure nothing happens to you guys

Grace:uncle josh Auntie Maya  (runs and hugs their leg)

Uriah:(hugs mommy)

Maya:(hugs both uriah and Grace)

Sabrina:(smiles) I love my family

*inside to house*

Lucas:(grabs Riley and kisses her)

Farkle:(grabs Lucas pulls him away and punches him)

Riley:(stands shocked)

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