Zaroth seemed shocked, "Whaaaaaa? What year is it? (Y)?" I blinked a few times, "Yeah, actually." Now it was Zaroth's turn to blink curiously. "Wow. Never thought my guesses would be that good. Anyway!" Zaroth jumped into what a Miraculous was, and how it worked. Then he zoned in onto what my Miraculous does. "The Panther Miraculous is special in more ways than one. It's special power is Shadow.  When used, the holder becomes pretty much invisible for 30 seconds. Once those are up the user can be seen again, and they have 5 minutes to get out of there before their identity is revealed. The Panthers weapon is an unbreakable whip," Zaroth finished, but I still have one question.

"How do I use my Miraculous and Shadow?" "When you want to use Shadow, just call 'Shadow' when you're transformed and it activates. To actually transform into your Miraculous, simply say, 'Zaroth, time to hide!'"

I was about to say these words, until Zaroth put his paws onto my nose, "WAIT!" "What?" "To undo the transformation, you HAVE to say, 'Zaroth, let me be seen,'. And once you do transform and reverse, you HAVE to give me some kind of food to activate again. I haven't had a user in a while, so no matter how long you are in Miraculous form, it's still gunna take a lot out of me." I nodded, "Alright. Zaroth, time to hide." Zaroth was swept away and into the diadem. Purple sparkles swept over my body, turning me into the Panther Miraculous.

"Woah..." I gaped. I could see in the dark! Everything was like a black and white movie, however. Looking over myself, I saw that I had a black suit covering me like a second skin. There were black boots that went to my mid calf, the soles having what seemed to be metal plates. Short gloves on my hands gave my nails a claw-like appearance. I could feel a black mask covering my eyes, and my bangs had been pulled away from my face. Reaching up, I felt that the diadem now held my bangs, and that two panther ears sat on my head. They didn't feel realistic, but not totally fake either.

"Focus, (Y/N)." I murmured. Lowering my hands, I quickly spotted my flashlight and grabbed it, then grabbed my bag. Slipping the straps onto my shoulders, I looked over myself again, trying to find that whip Zaroth spoke of. It was strapped to my thigh. I took it into my hand, examining it. It was just a black handle with fishnet silver accents and a short 10 centimeter rope that came to a frayed end. I gave my wrist a small flick and it grew, giving off a loud crack. "Okay. That does a thing," I smiled, testing the weight, and how it was most comfortable. Once I got it perfect I trained my eyes onto the hole in the ceiling. I flung the whip at the area, catching onto something immediately.

"Bingo!" I called, giving it a tug. I climbed up quickly, and once I reached where the whip was tied I undid the knot and attached the weapon back to my thigh. Using my claws I gripped the rock, easily hauling myself out the rest of the way. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Where are you!" The voices echoed quietly in my ears. "HELP!" I called back. But something came over me. They can not know about Zaroth. "Zaroth, let me be seen," I mumbled, feeling my newfound power disappear, and the bright black and white cave became a murky blue that I could barely see in.

I quickly grabbed Zaroth, then the diadem, placing both into my bag. Then I grabbed the flashlight, knocking the batteries out. "(Y/N)! Can you follow out voices?" "No! I- I'm stuck!" Looking around, I shoved my foot into a crevice and placed a couple good sized rocks on it. I also messed with the rocks around me, making it seem like something had collapsed. "Keep calling! We'll get you!" "Alright! But please hurry!"

Soon I saw the light from the team's torches. I put on my best desperate face I could muster and called, "Please! Over here!" Within 30 seconds I had 5 people next to me. Two of them were giving me food and water, the other three were lifting the rocks off my foot. They practically carried me out of the cave, giving me a wave of guilt. But I kept my act up. I lied so much, and kept my story as solid as possible.

I was storming through the cave with my light when I slipped, the batteries falling loose. When I tried to find them I fell again, causing the rips in my pants and shirt. Then, out of nowhere, a part of the ceiling crumbled, hitting my back and trapping my foot. I couldn't hear the rescuers at first because of dehydration, and adrenaline kept me strong in the last few minutes when I did hear them.

I was finally left alone in my room almost three hours later, at almost midnight. That was when I took the diadem out and put it back on, along with pulling Zaroth out of my bag. I gave him some ham that I grabbed. "Is that okay?" I asked. Zaroth responded with his little mouth full, "Yes!" I giggled, "So, was I a good Panther Miraculous?" Zaroth swallowed, "Yep! You got the hang of it pretty quickly. But there is one problem," My face fell, "You can't go around saving people without a proper name!" Confusion coated my features, "What? I thought my name was-" "Panther Miraculous?"

I nodded dumbly. "Nope! Each user has given themselves an alter ego name. Like Powerful Cat, Black Night, or even Amethyst Scare," Zaroth kept going, commenting on how each user did their job. "I want my name to be Puissance Récupérer. Reclaimed Power," I blurted. Zaroth smiled, "That's a great one! But where did you get the idea?" "I read somewhere that the panther can stand for reclaiming power... I just thought it fit," I sheepishly smiled, before yawning.

"You should get some rest, Sweetie," Zaroth fondly smiled. "If you insist..." I trailed off, picking up Zaroth and placing him onto my nightstand. Slipping under my covers I closed my eyes, "Night, Zaroth..." "Night, Sweetie."

Third Person POV

Wayzz's eyes snapped open. He quickly found Master Fu, who was making himself some tea. "Master! Master!" "Yes, Wayzz?" Fu asked, glancing at his Kwami. "The lost Miraculous, it's been found!" This caught Fu's attention. He knew enough about the Panther to know this was a big deal. "Has it fallen into the wrong hands?" "No. The spirit seems to be a good and strong one. I think they're ready." Fu smiled, "It's good to know that the Miraculous has found a proper holder."

Reclaimed Power (Adrien Agreste/ Chat Noir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now