Birthday Blues

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"I was uninvited to her birthday party!" I screamed as I looked at my email.

"Are you sure?" Nolen questioned. He was sprawled out onto of my bed, staring up at the ceiling. After we got dinner a week ago, Nolen dropped me off at home, kissing me goodbye. Ever since then, we had been hanging out every day.

Since my family was absent ninety nine percent of the time, Nolen had come over every morning, and we would hang out and watch movies before driving around town and doing something fun. I was hesitant to change my status on Facebook to 'single', but it sure felt like I had a boyfriend. I mean, during those movie mornings, we had kissed a few times. Or more than a few times. But nothing was official.

I kept scrolling through my emails. "Today's the party! And she's seventeen! She always sends the invites via email. I didn't get one. She uninvited me to her party. I'm so mad, Sidney's supposed to be my best friend." I hesitated, "Although, technically she didn't uninvite me. I was never even invited!"

Nolen sat up. "She feels betrayed. She thinks you and John were secretly dating, or something. I know the feeling."

I chose to ignore his words.

I slammed my computer screen shut and jumped onto the bed, next to Nolen. He laid back down, staring up at the ceiling once more, and I joined him.

"What should I do?"

He shrugged, causing my mattress to move from under us. "I don't know... give her time?"

I shook my head. "I can't. It's been too long. I need someone to talk to about you." Did I really just say that?

He rolled over. "Oh, really? You talk about me?" He wiggled his eyebrows, and I laughed.

"That's not what I meant."

Nolen smirked. "I'm sure."

"Shut up." I groaned. Where were my parents to barge in and save me from this awkward conversation? Oh right, nowhere.

"Make me."

I kissed him then, and his soft lips curved up into a smile underneath my lips. Cheesy? Maybe, but it felt good so why not?

We kissed for a few minutes longer, and I felt extremely happy in that moment. My best friend issues flew away as Nolen's soft lips touched amine. I felt hot, but in a warm, tingly way. When my shirt rode up and my belly was exposed, I didn't mind. I wasn't self conscious around him. Nolen was... perfect.

I really, really liked him.

I pulled away too soon, our foreheads resting on each others. I placed my hand on his chest, and his heart was beating erratically.

"You're heart's beating a lot." I commented.

He looked me in the eye. "That's because I'm really, really attracted to you."

I glanced away, a blush on my cheeks due to his bluntness. Why did he have to be all sweet? It would be so much easier if he wasn't. I wouldn't be stuck with a huge crush and no best friend to talk to.

"Hey," Nolen's hand tilted my chin up, "what's wrong?"

Maybe my period was due soon, by I felt so sad. Tears formed in my eyes. "I miss her so much. I know you probably don't understand, but I need Sidney. My parents are never here and before you came along, there was no one in my life but her."

Nolen stared at me for a moment. His hands moved up, wrapping me into his embrace. "California," he sighed, "I'm here."

I nodded. "I know."

"And..." he continued, "we're going to her party."

I shook my head. "Didn't you hear me? I'm not invited."

Nolen pretended like that was no big deal. "So? We'll crash it. It's not hard to get into a high school party. Trust me."

I eyed him suspiciously. Slowly, it clicked. "Did you get invited."

He lowered his eyes. "Yeah."

I took my pillow, walking out of the room as if I was mad. I ducked behind a corner outside my door, waiting. I heard him sigh, and stand up.


As he exited the room, I raised my pillow and hit him as hard as I could. He fell forward, onto the carpeted ground, causing me to laugh.

"What is it with you and pillow fights?" He complained, but I could see a smile formed. He knew I wasn't mad at him.

"I don't have a thing for pillow fights."

"Sure you don't. That's like saying I don't have a thing for you."

I blushed. Nolen was being extra flirty today, which I liked. Still, being beat red from blushing all the time wasn't super fun.

I helped him up, and he kissed my cheek, pulling me back into my bedroom. Giggling, which I never did, I let Nolen pick me up and kiss my lips. He carried me over and together we fell onto my bed.

Gosh, I liked his kisses.

As his lips left my lips and moved to my neck, I sighed. "So how are we going to sneak in?"

He didn't respond for a moment, but bit me instead.

"Nolen! That's going to leave a mark!" I complained.

I could feel him smirk against my skin, and he pulled away.

"How are we sneaking in?" I repeated, and he rolled his eyes.

I watched as Nolen ran his hand through his dark hair, muscles in his arm standing out. Oh man, that was attractive. I tried not to stare, but sometimes I couldn't help it.

"I don't know, California. We'll just walk in?" He asked, sounding unsure.

"I need an actual plan."

"Live spontaneously."

"Says the one with the bucket list." I shot back.

"What does that even mean?"

I choked. "I-I don't know. You have a bucket list. You're planning stuff out. Not spontaneous if you ask me, but what do I know. I'm just a girl with a 4.5 gpa." I wish.

He knew I was exaggerating, and raised his eyebrows, but thankfully Nolen didn't comment.

"Fine," I huffed, "I'll just show up with you. But if we get kicked out, don't blame me."

Nolen's smile was beautiful, and his teeth shone as he gazed at me in affection.

Not used to attention, I stood up. My stomach was growling, and I grabbed his hand, "Now come on, let's go find some food."


It's been so so so long and I'm so sorry! I swear I'll write more. Its been crazy lately, with the start of school and all, but don't worry. I'll keep working on the story. It's almost done!!! Love you all! Thank you for your support. Also, tenth grade is crazy and awesome ahhh!

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