When he left. Broken!ReaderxLevi

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3rd Person

He sighed, watching as she clung to the arm of another, that shitty grin present on her face. Honestly he cant stand to watch this, but he stays around why? Because of her. (Y/N) (L/N), the girl he was pathetically in love with. Oh, which one is she? well, you see the (short/tall) girl, with the (H/C) (H/L) hair, and blinding (E/C) eyes gripping on to the tall brunet? Her, the one he couldn't have.

Funny really, isn't it? All the girls he had after him, every slut he had, basically drop their panties there and then, just for him.  Oh, but him? No, he wanted the girl who had a boyfriend already typical Levi, to be honest with you, nothing ever worked well for him , this was just example A of lives cruel jokes on young levi Ackerman. Wondering what one he is? Let me describe our lonely lead. Short, black raven hair, undercut, porcelain skin and steel grey eyes.

He is well built and he always has a glare on his face, no wonder that bubbly girl named (Y/N) is with Berthold Brauhn, he was a shy, nervous giant who everyone loved he was extremely sweet and the exact opposite of Levi. It didn't surprise anyone when they learn of (Y/N) and Bertholds relationship, hell even Levi saw it coming all the time he spent with (Y/N) he knew she was in love, he didn't know for sure who with but she was definitely in love. 

Levi POV

Grunting, I rolled out of bed hitting my alarm as I descended to the ground with a large THUMP. There was a delicate knock at the front door of my small apartment, yawning i pulled on my deadpool shirt and made my way to the knocking, upon getting closer I could hear small whimpers coming from the person beyond the door so in a desperate hope it was Her and that they had broken up i opened the door quicker then lightning, there she stood, eyes wide, heartbroken.

"(Y/N), what happened, why is my angel so sad?" She collapsed in my arms allowing my head to fall on hers, her scent filling my nostrils, the only scent that made me weak at the knees. I picked up her bridal style and carried her through to the living room placing her carefully on the couch as if she were a precious doll, which to me she was. My precious (Y/N). She began hiccuping so i rushed off to get water, hoping by the time i got back she would have calmed down enough to tell me what happened.

After what felt like forever of me holding her shaking form, she finally spoke in a small and broken voice which pulled at my long dead heart strings. "He...He cheated, w-with Annie" I shrunk in the couch pulling her further down with me, stroking her hair soothingly, "Shh, he is a dick and he didn't deserve you, you're a princess, he is nothing more then a lowly peasant." She snuggled into my touch, placing her hand on top of mine, "L-Levi, why do y-you always come t-to m-my rescu-e?" I ruffled her hair lightly "Because, you're my princess"

((Time skip of 3 weeks))

Levi POV

I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling my heart completely shatter, looking at my angel, in a tub of her own blood. Rushing to the phone I rang 999, praying I wasn't too late. They arrived at lightning speed, probably because I threatened to kill them all if they didn't save her, oops? Watching them place her pale body on a stretcher my stomach sunk, fearing the worse but I saw slight movement from her chest, which made me cheer internally. She was still breathing. Rushing we all got into the ambulance, literally speeding to the hospital her blood pressure was dropping.

We arrived extremely quickly, them rushing her to the operating theater, me sitting in the waiting room, practically chewing my own nails off. What made her do this? 

3rd Person

Poor Levi, he didn't know the full story, neither do you yet so lets tell you, shall we?

Well you see, poor (Y/N) had in fact walked in on dear Berthold cheating, with Reiner, not Annie, so of course she felt heart broken, she literally threw anything she could find at her ex lover then stormed out tears running freely down her face, there was only one place she could think of, Levi's, so she ran never stopping until she got to her best friends.

Sad really, she fell for a gay man, and her best friend was hopelessly in love with her. Wanna know what was even worse? She was in love with him, had been since they were 8 years old but she denied the feelings, fearing he didn't return them, and she fled from them, but after Berthold cheated, they resurfaced and worse then ever, especially after hearing "You're my princess" She knew she was in love with her best friend, whats worse? He loved her too.

Levi POV

The doctors came through to speak to me, I practically jumped off my chair when they called my name, i ran to them, my eyes wide almost screaming please say she's still alive, the doctor simply nodded to me, which i knew meant she was still alive. "Can i go see her?" I asked, my heart racing, i was going to do it even if she was still asleep i was going to tell her how i felt. "Yes, but Mr.Ackerman do you know why on earth she would do this?" i placed my head down and sighed "Because he broke her." I stated simply before walking towards my beloveds room. 

Once there i walked in, shutting the door behind me quietly, not wanting to disturb her. I gasped at her appearance, her pale skin, and chapped lips. "My poor Angel" I mumbled before pulling up a chair next to her, taking her weak and pale hand into my own, rubbing her thumb gently, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. Seeing my girl in such a state truly broke me.

"(Y/N), I have some things i want to tell you, i can't do it when your awake because im afraid of rejection, so i am going to tell you now. I love you, not as a friend like i once claimed, i am in love with you, your cute face, your laugh, your jokes, your sense of humour, your giggle, the way you pout every time we lost in charades, the way your entire face would light up when you saw me coming, it made me wonder if you perhaps felt as i did, but it was not to be. Thats fine, as long as i cant stay close to you, no matter what position you place me, if i am by your side i dont care. So now you know, aye Princess? im a big dope who is in love with you (Y/N)."

I jolted out of my seat as the hand simply laying in mine squeezed mine tightly, "Levi, i love you too, I love everything about you, your raven locks, your glare, you body, the way you eyebrows knit together when you concentrate , the slight smile you send my way when you see my running down the campus path to meet you half way, i swear i could go on forever i just love you and i have since we were 8 years old, playing prince and princess, i fell in love with that hard man who saved me so many times."

She flashed me one of her oh so perfect grins and i swear right then and there my heart melted, she sat up and pulled me towards her, and the kiss ive been waiting 10 years for, finally happened. Our lips met in a long, deep and care filled kiss as our arms found their way around one another. It was oh so perfect and in that moment  I fell even more with (Y/N), the girl with (H/C) (H/L) hair and perfect (E/C) eyes, the girl who saved me every time i looked at her.

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