Tripp sighed. He knew she was right. And he didn't want anything more to happen to Ellsmera. "What do you suggest I do, Elizabeth, Ataile?" he nodded in their directions as he spoke their names.

"We need more Snydes." Elizabeth answered. "Maybe a pureblood or two."

"How do you suppose we manage that?" Tripp wondered.

"We have our connections." Ataile answered with a smile.


The next day Krystal leafed through the newspaper to see if the accident made a headline. When she found it, she ripped it out, stuffed it in her book bag, and got on the bus.

"Hey Krystal! Listen to this awesome song on my phone." Jasmine told her as soon as she sat down.

"Sure." Soon electric guitar rifts filled her head as the music pounded through the headphones. "This is awesome. What's it called?"

"Fire and Flames, I believe." Jasmine answered.


Soon the bus pulled into the High School and they exited, meeting up with the group who was already there waiting.

"So, here guys." Krystal reached into her book bag and pulled out the news article. "Did you see this?" she showed them.

"No." Becca answered, grabbing the paper.

Connor, now slightly interested as he saw the paper, pulled out his earphones so he could hear the conversation.

"'Sightseers say that it was a man who caused the accident.' Police chief O'Brian stated. 'There were no victims alive or present at the scene who were involved that can tell us what exactly went down. About thirteen people are missing. Those accounted for are dead. We have reason to believe that the missing people are still alive, but may be injured severely.'" Becca continued to read. "'Details of the man who may be responsible include; White, gray, straight, shoulder length hair, and gray blue eyes. No one can say for certain if this was an accident or deliberate. All we can tell is it was caused by one man- whatever his purpose may be. We ask if anyone has any information to let their local police station know. Thank you!'"

"Wow." Jo-Lynn whispered.

"That description," Connor pointed to the paper in shock. "It sounds exactly like Axel."

"Mhm. A role-play character come to life. I'm sure the police would love to hear that." Krystal shook her head sadly.

"Quiet Krystal. You don't understand." Nikki shoved her aside to get a better look at the paper.

"All I know is that you guys are over rea-a-a-acting." Krystal sung out the "a" in the word.

"Not everything is as it seems to mere human eyes, Krystal." Suddenly Jo-Lynn's voice came out more confident and, well, just different then how it normally is.

Krystal kind of froze there for a moment in shock, but snapped out of it quickly. "Don't scare me like that Jo-Lynn!" Krystal said a little peeved.

Jo-Lynn closed her eyes and opened them slowly. "I am not Jo-Lynn. My name is Saber."

"Right...and I'm the tooth fairy. I'm tired of this." Krystal sighed and turned, heading into the school building.

A little misunderstanding was one thing, but this was totally different. She feared her friends had literally gone crazy.


Five hours later, Tripp was surrounded by recruits.

"Name yourselves." he ordered.

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