Not to mention, since the smell of human blood made her sick, she wouldn't even be able to make up for their fast death by waiting around and draining them completely of the liquid of life. She wouldn't be able to stick around and relish in her victory, satisfying her never ending loss of control.

Yes...killing a human wouldn't be worth her time.

But she did want to teach the mortals a lesson for disturbing her.

And what better way to teach them a lesson then to hurt someone they love?

Or hurt something they love...

Yes...that was the way to seek the perfect revenge. Not by getting to the person themselves, but by harming what they love.

Yes...that would suffice. Make them suffer longer than a mere game of hunting would do.

Kasha smiled to herself. She knew exactly what would hurt humans the most. Especially these humans who came to the park.

Because, what did they come to the park for?

To exercise what they loved.

Their animals.

Kasha stood, and, although the change from Snyde to Snyde Hunter left her without the ability of speed and mind control, it did leave her with one power- her ability.

Kasha nonchalantly strolled along the pond's shore there in the park. She scanned the surface until she spotted what she looked for.

A dog playing with its human.

"Fetch boy!" she heard the owner call from across the lake as he tossed a stick into the pond. The dog automatically followed after the stick, diving into the water.

And as the dog paddled to the stick, grabbed it in its mouth, and turned to head back to land, Kasha decided to act.

She stared at the dog, locking her eyes on it. She felt the power emanate from her eyes as her ability was used.

The dog stiffened, not able to move- and sank slowly to the watery deep.

Kasha couldn't help but smile again as she saw the owner's reaction.

"T-T-Toby!" The owner cried. "Toby!" he yelled again, running into the water fully clothed, swimming out to his pet. He frantically searched the water. But the pond was too deep, and by then, the dog was in too far.

By now, the dog would be dead.

Not caring to see anymore, Kasha turned her back on the frantic man, and searched for her next victim.

Yes...this was most fulfilling, even if she didn't get to enjoy her traditional hunting game. Sometimes it was nice to try something new.

And no one would suspect her, for she was far enough away from her animal victims when they died.

"Perfect." she whispered sinisterly.

Stupid humans.


"Wow Krystal...that's..." Jasmine looked up at her friend. "Evil." she smiled wickedly like she approved.

"I know, right!" Krystal shouted and smiled back.

Jasmine had just finished reading the section of the role-play Krystal had written, which was a story between the both of them. A book with two authors, Krystal sometimes thought of it as. They took turns writing parts in it- one would reply with their part, and then the other would reply with theirs, and the story would progress.

Dark Dreams (You don't know what's out there, until you start to dream)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant