Chapter six - TPH

Start from the beginning

I reached across the table and grabbed Anthony’s hand in my own, stroking his with my thumb. He glanced at me and smiled lightly, but his eyes still showed the possessiveness he felt.

We turned back to Link and placed our orders. He wrote them down but he wouldn’t leave. He kept trying to get my attention.

“Hey beautiful, wanna go out on a real date?” His voice was filled with cockiness and I absolutely hated it. I sighed, annoyed, and shook my head. “I’m on a date with my boyfriend.” I said, stressing the word boyfriend.

“I’m more of a man then he is, so why don’t you dump his ass and come out with me? Tonight, 9 o’clock.” He winked at me and I scoffed. “Why would I want to downgrade?”

Link chocked on air while Anthony and I began cracking up with laughter. He caught his breath back and smiled at me again. Uggg! Why can’t I have a normal breakfast with my mate?

“I guess I’ll have to give you some evidence, on why I won’t leave him.” I said standing up. I bent down in front of Anthony and winked mischievously. I grabbed his face in my hands and smashed my lips to his.

He made a small sound before he pulled me onto his lap, kissing me passionately. I broke away, breathing heavily, and smiled. I looked back over to Link and almost laughed at the expression on his face.

“Enough evidence? Now can you get our food?” Anthony asked. Link nodded and raced away, grumbling about PDA and how I wasn’t good enough for him anyway. I just rolled my eyes and sat back into my seat.

Anthony smiled and grabbed my hand, kissing it lightly. “You’re so hot when you’re possessive” He commented making me blush lightly. “Only for you though Anthony, only for you.”

Anthony’s P.O.V.:

Our food came and we began to eat. I just stared at her, smiling as I remembered the kiss we shared. Now that was a hot kiss. I knew she only did it to show how much she liked me and also to shut down the annoying waiter.

Halfway through our meal the bell above the door rang, alerting the small café of another customer. Blayre tensed and quickly looked down at her lap, a frown on her face.

I twisted around in my seat, (my back was facing the door) trying to see what had affected Blayre so much. All I could see was two guys.

One was about 6” with blonde hair and green eyes. The other was about 6”2 with brownish blonde hair and light blue eyes. I was getting a weird feeling from the brown haired man but I shook it off and turned my attention back to Blayre, who looked like she was about to pass out.

“Blayre? Blayre are you ok?” I asked, worried. I took her hand in mine, but she flinched slightly and pulled her hand back. The brown haired man must have spotted us because he suddenly appeared in front of our table.

He gave a small, twisted smile and me and then turned his attention to Blayre, his face hardening slightly. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Happy seeing me again Blayre?” I turned to look at Blayre and the man must have seen the confusion written on my face.

He began to laugh, a cold, hard, laugh that sent chills down my spine. “You mean you haven’t told anyone yet? That’s just priceless!” He grinned evilly down at her.

His hand shot out so fast that if I wasn’t a werewolf I would have missed it. His companion gave a short, low whistle and everybody cleared out quickly, almost as if he had threatened them at gun point.

The brown haired man yanked Blayre up off her seat, then slammed his fist into her gut. She gasped as the air left her body, while I sprung up, snarling.

“Let her go!” I growled lowly, warning him to obey. He gave a short bark of laughter and began to tow Blayre out of the café, away from me. Blayre still hadn’t gained her breath back as she was bent over and not struggling at all.

She suddenly teetered over and passed out. He grinned and swung her over his shoulder. I tried to run after them, but his blonde companion stopped me. “I wouldn’t follow them if I were you.” He spoke with a deep gravelly voice.

I snarled at him and tried to push past him. He sighed heavily. “I did warn you.” He then spun me around and I finally noticed the sharp blade in his hand.

I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder, slamming him into a nearby table. He popped back up as if I had lightly tackled him. He swung the blade at me, dodging it I propelled myself forward, actually tackling him this time.

We soared through the air, before smashing into one of the decorative half walls. I groaned as we collided with the hard wall. The man sprung up once again, lifting the blade above his head before swinging it downward into my stomach.

I yelled as the burning began to race through my veins. All I could focus on was the pain radiating through my body. The last thing I see is Blayre being thrown into the back of a truck and the truck speeding away from me. 


So things are starting to get intense and i am excited to start writing the next few chapters! If you've seen Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game Of Shadows then you will get my next scenes that will be appearing in the next couple of weeks! Hope you are as excited for it as I am!




~Magen :D  

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