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Georgia talked about how much he loved fishing. I've already mentioned that he ate fish for at least one meal every day that week.

I managed to sit next to him and still eat my meals. We had a lot of laughs. I remember quite a few being about Connecticut. Several meals were spent laughing at the Hermit.

Georgia noticed Connecticut watching me. Said the Hermit would stare at me as I lay outside in the sun. How could he not, the muse in me made sure the Hermit noticed me. Georgia thinks Connecticut gave me the yellow flower Saturday night even tho my stalker claims she did.

I would forget often that Connecticut was watching me. A few times I messed with him (like taking his pillow(s)) but I was more concerned about making myself smile again.

Georgia made sure I watched Connecticut tho. He pointed out that the Hermit was wearing the same shorts all week. White with green palm trees :))

We had a few good laughs over it. Georgia helped me smile which got me the smiles I wanted from Connecticut.

Yeah, I was watching and waiting to see that face smile. The Hermit's. I can't remember much of anything we talked about, his aura is as vibrant as his eyes when he smiles :))

The last thing Georgia said to me was that he was done fishing ;))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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