Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one. This is a work of fanfiction and has never, nor will ever, happen.

Warning: EXTREME pining

Chapter One:

There was something about Baron Corbin that AJ found interesting. Maybe it was his powerful aura that demanded attention. Maybe it was the way he simply oozed confidence. Maybe it was that no one actually knew a thing about him, a man who truly is mysterious.

Or maybe it was because he could pick Allen up with one hand if he wanted to.

Whatever it was.. it was downright intoxicating. Ever since Baron made his debut at Wrestlemania, Hell probably even before then, Allen has been attracted to him. It wasn't before they actually met in person that this obsession began to grow.

It was probably bad to be lusting so hard for a co-worker who was as untouchable as the sun. Baron was clearly straight, probably enjoyed dominating women of his choosing. Never before has AJ wanted be a woman so badly than he did now..

Then again, he's never wanted someone this bad, either.

His only saving grace was that they ran in different circles, and the roster was big enough to keep it that way. AJ had The Club and Jericho, Baron had his fellow NXT callups and Ziggler. It was very rare that they actually see each other outside of the locker room glimpses and on a TV screen.

Then the Draft happens, and suddenly AJ is all alone on a roster with a third of its normal size. Conveniently, the one person he had been trying his hardest to avoid for the past couple months happened to be drafted to the same show.


But there's another month until Smackdown Live officially kicks off, and another month before they have to stop traveling with the Raw crew. So he has plenty of time to devise the perfect plan to avoid Baron at any and all costs.

He's gonna be fine.

"He's gonna be fine," (see!) Luke says for the umpteenth time, rolling his eyes as Karl continues to pout.

"You don't know that!" Karl protests, his voice as sad as his facial expression.

"He's a grown man who can take care of himself," Luke argues before turning to the man in question, "Why aren't you backing me up right now?"

AJ throws him a look, "You should know dang well ya can't argue with 'im when he's like this, so there's no point in tryin'." Karl is a possessive man, who likes to have what he considers his close to him at all times. It just happens to be that AJ is his prized possession.

So, Karl was very unhappy, and the only way to make him happy (temporarily, at least) was to provide him with a distraction. Which AJ plans on doing before this childish bickering escalates.

"How about we go-"

"Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen," the voice of Shane McMahon is heard before he is seen, "but I need to steal AJ away for a moment. Important Smackdown Live business to discuss."

Karl and Luke make noises of disgust as AJ bids them a momentary farewell and follows his new boss. Shane once again apologizes, saying that with Tuesday just around the corner he'd like to go ahead and get everyone on board with the first show ahead of time.

Shane leads him inside a room with six other men inside of it, and his heart almost stops.


And the only open seat is between him and Dean Ambrose. Oh, okay then. He wasn't aware life was royally fucking him over all of a sudden, and he doesn't appreciate it.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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