Hiddleswift~The Wedding

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*The Wedding*

Hey guys I just found this draft so I thought I'd upload it!

Everyone was watching. Watching as I walked down the aisle. I felt so honoured to be here, yet a wave of sadness washes over me because this was the end of another chapter in my life. I look up. There he is, smiling at me. Thomas William Hiddleston. My husband to be. My arm was linked with my fathers, as he escorted me down. My mother was already in hysterics. Karlie was my maid of honour and Selena, Cara, Ellie and Gigi were bridesmaids. Tom and I chose Ed as our best man because we knew everyone would be enthralled by his charm and his stories. Dad lets go of my hand and I walk up the steps to where Tom and the vicar are standing.


*Time Skip Because everyone's waiting for the I do's*


"I, Tom Hiddleston, take you, Taylor Swift, to be my wife, and my better half. I will take care and cherish our relationship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will always be open, honest, and faithful to you. I take you for my wife, to have and to hold from this day on, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for all the days of my life and until my last breath." He finishes, looking at me. We both said that we would memorise as much as we could to make it sound more heartfelt.

"I, Taylor Swift, take you, Tom Hiddleston, to be my husband, and my better half. I will take care and cherish our relationship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will always be open, honest, and faithful to you. I take you for my husband, to have and to hold from this day on, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for all the days of my life and until my last breath." I look over my shoulder and several of my friends are cry or fighting back tears.

"Tom, will you take Taylor, to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect her; forsaking all others to be faithful to her until death do you apart?"

"I Do." Tom is eagerly waiting to kiss me already.

And will you Taylor, take Tom, to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love, comfort, honor and protect him; forsaking all others to be faithful to him until death do you apart?"

"I-I Do."

"Until now Taylor and Tom have spent each moment of their lives as separate individuals. But from this day on, and every day after this day shall be shared and spent as one. By the power enthroned in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Tom leans in and kisses me. He then swings me around.

We walk down the aisle and confetti is thrown. I can't stop smiling and neither can he. As soon as we're out of the room and no one can see us,Tom says " So Mrs Hiddleston, how do you do?" I laugh and pull Tom in for another kiss. This time it was even more passionate than the last. As people start to leave, the girls rush up to me. "AHHHHHHH YOU'RE MARRIED NOW!!!" Karlie says, shaking my shoulders. All the other girls in my squad were married apart from me, but now I was too. "Mrs Hiddleston, when can we expect a baby?" Selena asked. "What? Not yet!" I reply. "Now come on guys we need to get changed for the party!" Cara says dragging everyone out the entrance.

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