Chapter 29: Welp, it would've gone worst.

Start from the beginning


So we ended up telling anyways.

"WHAT?!" Normie looked at me and Jack wide-eyed.

Oh yeah, and thanks to Mack, Anna and Aubry's overacting reactions, the whole room heard of it.

Believe it or not even the ones who we're absent that day knew already. Take Normie as an example, she was absent yesterday yet she already knows.

"Since when?" Normie asked.

Jack sensed that I was feeling quite uncomfortable so he answered.

"That's for us to know and for you to find out." He said.

"Were you two already dating when Jack goes to your house everyday after school Elsa?" I heard someone ask from behind us. Tadashi.

Wait how'd he? "You stalker." I said in a joking manner.

"I see him there everyday when my ride passes your house." He smirked.

Honestly I feel awkward. Now that everyone knows about us we can't even talk the way we talk to each other. All eyes are on us whenever we're near each other.

So that means everytime we're in our proper seat, well, except for when we have a teacher, they stare at us.

Awkward indeed.


"Elsa why isn't Jack here?" Anna asked.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Why isn't he sitting with us?" She glared.

"Cause this table is for four and we're four already so-"

"He's sitting far from us." She pointed out.

"Anna just because we're dating it doesn't mean we have to be together all the time." I pointed out.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier Elsa?" Mack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I told you already, it's cause-"

"How long have you been dating? Months? Years? Decade-"

"Try a week." I answered. "Wait why is decade even a part of-"

"Who knew about this before we did?" Anna asked.

"Our parents." I answered.

Bombarded by thousands of questions, that's my place right now. Anna and Mack just won't stop asking me the same questions again and again.

After that they eventually got tired of asking. The attention was then turned to Aubry who was busy texting on her phone.

She sighed. "I suppose I should tell you my secret too."

"With who Aubry? And since when?" Anna asked with a poker face.

"About 3 months ago. Wait, was it 4? No I think it's-"

"With who Aubry?" Mack repeated Anna's question.

"Oh. well you probably don't know him Anna so-" Aubry felt Anna's glare so she told anyways. "H-his name is...... C-Claude." She smiled nervously.

"I want the truth Aubry." Anna sent her a devious glare.

"Alright! It's Snotlout." She blushed hard. All of us we're of course in shock.

So that's why Snotlout barely said anything about me and Jack being together. Nor teased us about our secret relationship. Cause he too was in a secret relationship!

I guess Aubry here did a pretty good job schooling him. He's become nicer-ish. And became less of a bully

"But it only started last month! I swear! I haven't been keeping it for that long!" She raised her hand up.

"Okay, anyone else need to say something?" Anna asked.

Mack closed her eyes, took a deep breath and raised her hand slowly. Anna sighed. "Go on."

"Someone asked me to be his girlfriend but I need your approval. Should I or should I not accept?" She said nervously.

"Depends, who is it?" I said.


"Do it!" All three of us said in unison. What? We ship it.

-yes, it's another timeskip-

"Shouldn't have blurted all that information. That's a lesson learned." I said after drinking my soda.

"Well, live and learn." Jack said laughing.

"That's not really helping Jack." I glared. He just laughed.

"Well, it would've gone worst." He said.

"Don't say that! You know in movies, when the heroine says that it actually does get worst." I said.

"That's only when the heroine is all alone, but I'm not alone so that's not gonna happen." Jack smiled widely.

Somehow he always knows what to say and when to say it. Or at least he manages to say what he needs to say when it's needed. But most of the time he's not really that good with words. Specially in class.

"Elsa. I've been thinking." Jack said stopping on his tracks.

"Hmm?" I also stopped and looked at him. He laughed and shook his head. "Never mind."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I said never mind." He laughed. "You know what, I'll just buy you pizza tomorrow to get your mind off it."

"You better or I'll just keep bugging you." I said pouting.

"Just get in the car." He laughed.

Like usual he drove me home. Dad got pretty used to not picking me up since Jack always drops me on his way home, though if you consider it it's not really dropping me off on his way home cause we pass his house just to go to mine.

Not too long we arrived. I got off and so did he. Before going inside I could sense he's still looking. He looked at me with a smirk. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He smiled widely. Suddenly I felt self-conscious.

Is there something on my face? Is there something wrong with my clothes? Is my hair too messy? Ugh what is it? Why is he staring at me?

"Hey Elsa." He called.

"Hmm?" I hummed as a response and tilted my head upward to face him.

And to my surprise I felt his lips touching mine. The kiss was short, but it was more than enough to make my stomach do backflips.

"Goodnight. See you in school tomorrow." He smiled as if nothing just happened.


Guys, how do you react when someone says someone likes you? Should you or should you not believe them?

Just a random question cause I honestly don't know how to react on what people tell me huehue.

Don't judge me I don't know a thing bout those things. never has a guy liked me, or at least I don't think a guy ever did cause I never cared about the happenings in the world when it's not fandom related hahaha

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