Undestined Love (An American Horror Story FF)

Start from the beginning

“What?” I asked.

“You, you and your family, they are all gonna die.” She said calmly.

I looked at her confused.

“What are you talking about?” I asked. She was seriously scaring me.

She looked over my shoulder and smiled.

“Good bye. Turn around.” She said.

I turned around and nothing was there.

“Wha- “I turned around and she was gone.
I was seriously getting scared. I ran to the stairs, and tried to open the door but it didn’t open. I started to get scared and tried to open it. When it didn’t work, I started to bang on the door.

“Let me out! Let me OUT! MOM! DAD!” I cried out, when suddenly, I was thrown back down the stairs.

“OW!” I cried out, when I looked up, there was a stilloueto blocking the door.

It kept coming closer, and I heard an eerie laugh escape from its lips. A whimper escaped from mine as I was backing up to the wall. It kept coming closer, when suddenly; a hand covered my mouth and dragged me to another room. I was screaming, but the hand kept blocking any sound to come out from my mouth.

“Shh be quite, and it won’t hurt you.” Said a male voice. His voice sounded so soothing, and I quickly stopped screaming. My breathing slowly was going back to normal, as the guy slowly let me go. His hand left my mouth, and I slowly turned to see him. He had dirt brown eyes, and dirty blonde hair. He had a crooked smile and shoved his hands down his pockets. He had on baggy blue jeans and a blue and red striped shirt. He had black all star chucks.

His smile quickly began to become genuine and he extended his hand out to me.

“Hi, my name is Tate Langdon.”

I looked at his hand, and decided to shake it.

“My name is Stacy Alexandria Walker.”

As I touched his hand, a cold feeling washed over me. My hand tingled at his touch, and I swear I felt sparks going through me. I mental shook the thought out and I looked at Tate.

“Thank you so much from saving me from that thing.” I said sincerely.

He smiled and looked at me.

“No problem. If it happens again, just close your eyes, and say ‘Go Away’ and it will.” When he was saying that, he kept getting closer to me. His face was inched from mine, and I felt my face getting hot. I looked away and closed my eyes.

“Umm, thanks. W-Why are you here?” I asked.

“Oh,” he said as he back away slightly, “I Uhh came to visit your dad. My mom heard that there was a psychologist in town, so she decided to bring me.” He said sheepishly.

He looked at me and at the ground.

“You think I’m weird now huh?” he asked.

I shook my head and smiled at him.

“Na, I guess everyone has a little weird in them.” I said.

He smiled at me and looked at the door.

“I think your parents are calling for you. “He said as he nodded at the door.

“Oh yeah, I can’t get the door opened.” I said shamefully.

He let out a chuckle and went the door, I followed behind him. In one swift move, he opened the door and signaled me out. I smiled at him as I walked out.

“Stacy! There you are I was wor- Hey, who is that?” my mother asked as she smiled at Tate.

“My name is Tate Langdon, next door neighbor. Nice to meet you Miss Walker.” He said as he held out his hand.

My mom smiled and shook his hand.

“Please dear, call me Jenna.” She said.

“Oh, well I have to go. May you please tell Mr. Walker that I will see him tomorrow.” Said Tate as he headed to the door.

I walked behind him and opened the door so he can get out. As he walked out, he looked at me, and smiled.

“Hey, um, do you wanna hang out sometime. I know your new and all and probably haven’t made any friends right now. I can show you around town.”

I smiled sweetly at him, “Sure!” I said. He smiled and walked away.

“Nice young looking boy, huh Stacy?”

I jumped and spun around. My mom was there with a smiled plastered on her face.

“Yup. I guess.” And I walked away.

After Dinner, I went to my room and lay on my bed. I looked up to the ceiling, and saw the stars my dad had put up moving. What the hell? The stars moved into words.


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