Mermaid #1

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So recently I have found an intrest in mermaids. Dunno why, I just really like them. So I drew one, colored it, and added glitter. That was a mistake. It looks alright, but my carpet is now covered in glitter. Eh. Anyways,  here's my first mermaid.

 Anyways,  here's my first mermaid

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Sorry it's blurry. My room is dark cause I'm a vampire and it didn't take a real good picture. So yeah, that's the first one.

Also at school, it's okay....but in every single class it is full of the popular kids. Exept yearbook, which is kinda like a break period. I like it. So yeah, it's eh. I still don't like school. And my math teacher is old, quiet, and talks real slow. But I'm still learning stuff from her so I can't complain. But I've only got 0-3 friends per class. The rest are popular kids. And there are about 38 kids per class. So yeah. Anyways, hope you like my mermaid. If you have a name for her let me know!

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