I lift my gaze from them to Luke who is standing on the other side of Belle and Danny, seeing as he's Danny's best man. Luke shoots me a wide smile, loving the fact that even on their wedding day, Belle and Danny refused to act professional.

"We are gathered here today" the priest starts as he goes through all of the official statements that he has to speak. I watch as Danny and Belle send each other different subtle glances, speaking to each other without actually saying a word.

They continue this until it is time to say their vows.

"Danny Warren" Belle starts. "I'm going to start by saying something that I never actually told you but I'm pretty sure you knew anyway. I hated you when we first met, and not just because you caused 3 older kids to chase us because you refused to get off of a swing".

This earns chuckles from the audience as Danny shrugs, admitting that it was his fault. "I also hated you because you were so different from me" Belle continues. "Even for a second grader you had a lot of confidence and self assurance. You were proud and you were outgoing and friendly to everybody and you always smiled at people. I can't even fathom how you extroverts do it but just watching you interact with others made me exhausted.

"The point is I was jealous of everything you were and believe me when I say that I tried really hard to hate your guts. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, you busted down my walls and somehow made me like you.

"I can even pinpoint the exact day. After 3 weeks of trying to hate you while you continued rambling on happily to Claire and I, completely unaware of my efforts to keep you out of my friendship circle, you finally beat me. You beat me when you turned to me and said 'I hope you realize what a big sacrifice I'm making by being seen hanging out with two girls, but the rest of the people in this class kind of suck so I guess you guys will do'".

I burst out in laughter along with the family members in the pews as the memory bubbles to the surface of my head, clear as day even after all of these years.

"The point is I was able to fight being your friend for three weeks but believe me when I say that nothing I could have possibly done would have stopped me from falling in love with you like I did" Belle states, tears brimming her eyes. "Somewhere in our friendship my feelings turned from wanting to see you to needing to see you.

"You became the best part of my day, the stress relief that came in the hardest of times, the happiness and laughter when I hadn't felt those feelings in a long time. You are still as infuriating and annoying as the first day I met you but I would listen to all of your bad jokes, argue about all of the meaningless things we have before, and scream at the top of my lungs when you won't shut up all again if it means having you by my side.

"I didn't expect the awkward green eyed boy in my second grade class to turn into the love of my life but life takes us to places we never expected we would go and as long as life continues to keep you by my side, I'll enjoy the ride. I love you Danny Warren, despite my best defenses, you broke down them and have filled my head with priceless memories and my heart with unlimited love. I will continue loving you, my best friend and now my husband, until our last laugh, our last kiss, and our last breath".

At the end of her vow Danny lets out a shaky laugh, trying to pull himself together before speaking. "Belle Williams" he starts, his eyes glued to her. "Unlike you, I can actually pinpoint the moment I fell in love with you. It was the day I caused 3 older kids to chase us because I refused to get off of a swing".

Belle lets out a breath mixed with a cry as a tear slips down her face, her smile so wide that I'm positive it has to be hurting her.

"I fell in love with you the moment you opened your mouth and called me an idiot" Danny continues. "Which I realize isn't the most romantic start to a love story but I can't think of a better one for our story.

The Jealousy PlotTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang