"Okay, well you know where everything is so just help yourself," I shrugged, grinning at her.

Her lips pulled into a smile that seemed a little too forced, but I didn't feel like she'd want to discuss it, so instead I hurried through the large living room and to the stairs that lead down to where my indoor pool and spa were, and where four of my absolute best friends were.

"Harry!" I heard them all cheer as I rounded the corner.

Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall were lounging in the spa with bottles of beer that varied in fullness, Louis' being the emptiest of the four and his grin a little sloppier than the other lads'.

"And he's alone!" Louis cheered, a little too loudly.

"Louis!" I growled, glaring at him.

"Who's gonna tell him? I'm not," Louis said, sticking his thumb on his forehead.

"Me neither," Niall added, mimicking Louis' action.

"Nope," Zayn chimed in quickly, shaking his head.

"Tell me what?" I asked, looking at Liam with arched eyebrows.

"Get in the spa mate, then I'll tell you," he sighed.

I stood frozen for a few moments before I stripped off my shirt and pushed my skin tight, torn black jeans to my ankles and stepped out of them, leaving me in just my underwear. Quickly I took the remaining few steps to the spa, and cautiously threw my legs into the steaming hot water.

"I'm in, now tell me," I pressed, looking intently at Liam.

He let out a heavy sigh, looking at the other lads deeply before his eyes found their way back to my face. His expression was wary, and I felt squeamish under his gaze.

"It's about Diana . . I'm guessing you've noticed our coldness towards her these last few days?" Liam said slowly, carefully.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

"Louis, Niall and I were on our way to a radio interview a few days back, and we were going straight from here, it was that day we all crashed here the night. Anyway, we were passing your bedroom when we heard Diana, I guess she was talking on the phone, but she said some things..." Liam trailed off, looking at Louis with a help-me-out-here expression.

"It's not a direct quote because I don't remember it word for word, but she was saying 'he's less excited by the paps than I thought he'd be, so I don't get much time in the spotlight. I was thinking about breaking some kind of huge scandal that made me the victim for more popularity, and sympathy votes.' She was complaining that you've only taken her to one red carpet event, that you didn't thank her in our acceptance speech at the VMA's, that you don't talk about her enough in interviews, that she doesn't have enough followers on twitter because you don't tweet about her enough, and she hasn't had nearly enough air time. Hazz, she's using you for your fame," Louis told be bluntly, slurring some of his words and telling me his harshness was down to him having had too much to drink.

His words were a heavy blow though, and I looked at each of the lads, all who avoided my eye. It was impossible to believe that Diana was only with me for the fame, and attention; we'd been together nearly a year, and I believed more than anything that she loved me.

"Does she know that you know?" I finally asked.

"We're not sure . . we would have told you sooner it's just . . it was such a shock to us that we didn't know how to tell you, or when we should have, but now that we know, it's so clear for us to see how desperately she's playing you," Liam told me gently.

"So this whole year was just a way for her to get some form of fame to her name? I didn't actually mean anything to her?" I said quietly.

"I think you should talk to her, Hazz. We don't know the whole story, but just be careful about it, it's dangerous water," Niall told me, holding his bottle of beer out to me.

My fingers wrapped around the bottle, and I downed the rest of the contents of it before stepping out of the spa and wrapping a towel around my half naked body. I didn't even care that I was dripping water on the stairs, or the tiles in the hall, or on the steps up to where my bedroom was. 

I heard Diana's laugh, the beautiful, melodic sound that always used to soothe me, but now put me on edge. Was she laughing about me? I crept closer to my bedroom and leaned against the wall, desperately trying to hear the words she was saying.

". . . just wish he'd made more of a fuss about the snowball fight, I mean, what a cute magazine cover, right? Sometimes it's just so frustrating, I kind of just want to thrust him into a situation with lots of paps, but he'd probably get all whiny about it, like dealing with a toddler . . . oh, I know! One of these days I have to end up on TV, right? It's nearly been a year, I'm getting bored with it now . . . absolutely! He's got such a bad reputation with women it wouldn't be a hard story to sell..."

I pushed myself off the wall, not wanting to hear another word that tumbled from her lips. My stomach had dropped, and my knees shook ever so slightly as I pushed open my bedroom door. Diana was pacing around the room, and when she caught my eye, she stopped.

"Harry, I . . hi," she said, pulling out a big smile.

"Did I mean anything to you?" I asked quietly.

I watched as her face fell, and her lips moved ever so slightly, trying to find the words that would pull her out of the mess she'd gotten herself into, but there wasn't a word in the world that could.

"I think you should leave," I finally said, breaking her long silence.


AN: hey guys, so this is a new fic that I'm starting, and I really hope that you're going to like it. Before it gets started, I just want to let you know this is primarily going to be a Larry fic, so if you're anti-gay or anti-Larry that's fine, just don't leave comments about the gayness because that's kind of the point lol. I've wanted to write a Larry fic for so long, so I'm just really excited about this! Anyway, if you do keep reading, thank you so much, and I really hope you like Energy :)

Lots of love, Jordan x

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