Red is the male and Crimson is the female.they came with Luke and Raven. Tetsu-nii meet them and he patted there heads.

"Do you guys know how to call wolves?" Tetsu-nii said while smiling. We shook our head saying 'NO'. It's his turn now to grinned.

He raised his hand near his face then he scream/howl like a beast, soon that sound turned into a wolf howl.

"Wow, I didn't know that he can do that Nagi" Karma said amazed on what have he'd seen. Me too , its been 10 years and he still remember to call his wolves.

Tetsuya's POV

I feel like I'm free. Free from all the trouble when I'm howling. I stopped when I get back a howling respond.

"Nagi do you remember my wolves names?" He think for 2 minutes then nod. I smell a little scent of my wolves but something is in it. There near, yes I know, I can smell them, I learned this when they get to know you better and if you grew up with them for 3 years, it enhanced my senses.

"Yeah, if I remembered correctly you have 7 wolves right?" I nod. Then I feel there presence behind me . Karma stepped back so is Nagi. 'Maybe there scared,Well I can't blame them its been 10 years of course they would have down bigger.'

"Correct. And there name are wrath, envy, greed,gluttony,sloth and pride. They are my wolves since I was 5 Karma , so don't be afraid" I said then I turn around to meet them, they have there own collar but only be seen if you want to. Those collars are special each determined there gender, color, names and specialty like wrath is anger.

As I turned they quickly tackled me on the ground and lick my face like there no tomorrow. Nagi and Karma laugh at me, after a minute they stopped licking me and they stepped aside for us to see a whole pack of wolves. They dont look familiar to my wolves so maybe they were rescued.

"Wrath are they your pack?" I look at him in the eyes and he nod.

"Do you guys rescued them?" They all nod. Then I turn around to get a better look at the unknown wolves, I saw longing for something...

"Do you want to have a masters/mistresses?" All I think 40 in total wolves nod.

"Then let's go inside. Your masters and mistresses are waiting and ONLY the assassins & the the mentors" they give me a little growl for a 'yes' response.

"Great! Let's start with Karma and Nagisa, anyone who likes them step forward but before that..." I turn to to Nagi and Karma,  i gave them a signal to activate their bloodlust.

Some of the wolves step back, only a black with red eyes and red stikes of its fur along with a white one with blue eyes and blue strikes of its fur just like the same with the black one.

The black one went to Karma and the white one went to Nagisa.

"Now then the ritual. Let them bite your arm or draw blood to it and let your new ally lick it" Karma took out his knife then his arm, then he pass it to Nagi. Their blood drips from their fresh wound, their soon to be wolves step to their masters then licks it.

I let the new now bonded master to ally rest. I took out 2 collars(don't ask where they come from) that are the same with my wolves

The white one is a she and her name is Lin
The black one is a he and his name is Ren

I wonder if their mates...

"Well now that's sort out, you guys now know there names and gender right?" They nod and they smiled at their new friend. The snakes went near Lin and Ren , they made killer growls and hisses but eventually they all became friends too.

"Before we went inside, why didn't we have a quick run with the pack? What do you guys say?" Nagi and Karma nod and so are the wolves.

I start the run but when we get a lilttle further in the forest, my wolves went in front of me meaning there's some trouble around or some dangerous people.

I just let them lead and follow nagiu and the rest followed too.

We came upon an abandon building. And I heard a faint screams! And it seems like children! I signal my wolves to distract the captors then the 3 of us stealth went inside.

Once we are inside, we saw the most horrible site. There some blood on the floor and died bodies. Then I saw the captors. Their the most wanted missing criminals! I check my phone and its low battery.

I text one last time to Nally that to get ready for blood when we arrive, this could be messy.


How was it? Good or bad?




And follow if  you desire....

Bye minna until   I  update again


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