Was it Ghirahim?

Link paused. The thought was sudden, but it made sense. They had been enemies in the past. Ghirahim had also been in command of Demise's entire army. Then the first monster to appear in six years appeared just after Ghirahim showed his face for the first time in six years. Even if it wasn't him, it had to be related somehow.

I have to get away from him.

Link put his fingers to his mouth and whistled, expecting his Loftwing.

He waited.


Frowning, he looked up at the sky. He saw a few smaller birds soar above him. He was too lost in worry to notice the footsteps behind him

"So, how did that talk with that guy go?"

Link whipped around to face Ghirahim, immediately going rigid. Ghirahim leaned against a tree casually, his arms crossed as if he did not just track Link down.

"It went okay," Link answered, his voice stiff.

"That's good," Ghirahim said, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he tilted his head. "Why were you whistling?"

Link glanced over his shoulder, expecting Ghirahim's answer to be here by now. But it wasn't. Deciding against answering his question for the time being, Link turned his head back to him and asked, "Did you send that monster after that guy I found?" Link's hand tensed at his side, ready to grab his blade.

Ghirahim blinked in confusion, a single nonexistent brow raising. "What?"

"You know," Link said, his voice now as sharp as a knife. "That guy I found out. Did you send that monster after him?"

"Ooohh..." Ghirahim now wore a grin that nearly made Link pull out his sword. But restrained himself since Ghirahim showed no solid signs of hostile intentions. He just looked so happy that he appeared angry. "You think, despite the fact that you slaughtered them all, I still have an army."

Link frowned, his hands curling into fists. "I found the body like, five hours after you appeared."

Ghirahim scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Even if I did send that monster, it wouldn't have been after that boy. It would have been after either you or the spirit maiden."

Link fell silent. Ghirahim put his hands on his hips.

"I have no intentions of getting revenge on you. And, as I said, I have no army that could have attacked that boy." He huffed going silent after a few moments. But then he added, "But you don't believe me, do you?"

Link pursed his lips before turning and whistling for his Loftwing once more. Again, he waited, now tense and shaking. Did something happen?

Once again, no answer.

Once more, Link looked up at the blue sky. All he saw were smaller birds. A feeling of emptiness sprouted in his heart, then pervaded his entire body.

"Well, damn, Link, you think you could tell me why you're whistling?"

A sense of dread filled the hero, chilling his insides like ice. "My Loftwing."


"So, no one's Loftwings are coming when they call," Ghirahim said, thinking aloud. "And they are supposed to hear you no matter where they are."

The two had been walking through the settlement in search of the bird as Ghirahim forced Link to explain to him just what Loftwings were. Quickly, they found that almost no one else's Loftwings were answering either.

Destined to Fight (GhiraLink)Where stories live. Discover now