Your Opinion..hmm

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HEY GAIS!!! -yeah, i typed 'gais' because guys is a little too used while if i type 'gays' it makes is sound that im calling you all gay.

Honey he gay, LOLJKJKJK

Okay enough with babbling and start this shit.HELL YEAH

okay srsly i'll stop.

I'm here because I'm not there. lol jk jk jk

I'm here because I've noticed that this book is still gaining reads, even though i don't update anymore and my story is crap. well, THAT'S AMAYZAYN YOU GAIS! okay I really should stop with the one direction preference.. you see, I've become a Directioner, and I'm happy about it, HELL YEAH! \m/

So I'm thinking if I should continue this story...



please comment if I should continue this story, or delete it OR  let it stay like this (which means i wont update but i wont delete this either)

So Your choice GAIS!

-Danielle signing off, peace out Gais! *pumps fist to chest and put on a peace sign*

oh wait! signing in again!!

If any of you are directioners also, i have a one direction fanfic which is entitled ' Its Finally You [One Direction Fanfic] ' das all gais,

now i'm officially signing off. PEACE.

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