"I haven't been lying Mum I have so many people who can verify that I'm telling the truth."

"The truth being what?" Jeremy asked.

"That my Mum has been homophobic from day one that I introduced Perrie as my girlfriend."

"I'm not homophobic." Melissa yells.

"Okay well we have a recording taken by Addison's phone so let's have a listen." They played the recording and the audience and even I gasped about how homophobic she was.

"That was edited." Melissa yelled over the recording. "Perrie's always hated me so she edited the recording."

"Is this true?" Jeremy asked me this time.

"No I know nothing about editing, I can just about tweet and text and if anything I'm always telling Addi she needs to sort things out with her Mam." They played another recording of proof that I had defended Melissa.

"Melissa do me a favour and look at your daughter and her girlfriend, without saying anything just look at them, Perrie clearly cares a lot about Addison and even I just from looking at them can see how deeply in love they are, you want your daughter to be happy don't you?"

"Of course."

"So then why on earth would you try and split these two up!?" He practically yelled.

"Ever since she got with Perrie she's lied to me, she's been skipping sixth form and she's had an attitude problem."

"Yes I may have lied in the beginning but I lied to everyone not just you, I lied to Dad, I lied to the whole family and my best friend and Perrie lied to her family and friends too, we wanted to see if it would work out before we told anyone."

"The way they went about it may have been wrong but at least they didn't rush into it." Jeremy commented.

"That's something I guess but that still doesn't excuse the attitude change or her skipping sixth form." That was it I had enough.

"Do you know what she hasn't skipped any of her classes, I took her myself and she stayed up and had no sleep for seven or more days because she wanted to get her courses done, I didn't know until I came back down recently just before tour and I told her off for not sleeping, she's handed in her work." Addi's presence kept me calm as I spoke.

"We have a statement from Addison's sixth form." He pauses "Addison has completed two A level courses and achieved very high grades, she still attends her maths resit classes, she's been on tour with Perrie recently but has been submitting maths work every day online and this includes weekends, her A levels were completed much earlier than planned, Addison struggles with her maths in class when she can make it into sixth form but since Perrie has been around she has only walked out once which is a big improvement from walking out every lesson."

"Told you I weren't skipping." Addi said triumphantly, Jeremy turned to the audience.

"Addison has been signed off of all her A levels with four A* grades" He then turned back to Melissa "pretty big achievement for someone who skipped sixth form."

"She still has an attitude problem."

"I'm not surprised with you as her mother, her actions have not always been correct but frankly if it was me in her position I wouldn't put up with you talking bad about me or my girlfriend, homophobia is disgusting and wrong, love is love no matter who you're attracted to."

"But Jeremy..."

"No buts." He comes over and kneels in front of Addi who I'm comforting because she is crying. "Sweetheart listen to me okay just listen to me, ignore that one over there and be happy." He puts his hand over both of our hands and talks to me. "You keep strong because she's going to need you." He stands up and sends Melissa off telling her to let us be happy and then turns back to us. "You're both amazing thank you for coming on, go that way." He points us in the right direction, we hug him and walk off stage and Graham is there waiting to go through everything with us and Melissa.

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