Chapter 2

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"I thought she moved.Far,far away." I said
"I guess she came back to finish school here.Maybe her parents decided it was the best for her." He answered
I sobbed.
"Look,Riley,I know she has hurt you in the past,but I thought you weren't afraid of her anymore."
I stopped crying.
"That was when she was away.Now I don't now what....."
My voice was interrupted by a sound coming from my phone. I pulled away from Farkle's Hug. I looked on my iphone's screen.
You have 1 new message.
I ignored it.
"What is it?" Said Farkle curiously.
"It is a text."I answered
"From who?" He repeated " And what does it say?"
I took a deep breath and start reading the text.
"From anonymous" I said. "You thought that I was gone for good but your past will haunt you forever."
I took a moment to think.
Your past will haunt you forever.
That phrase just kept crossing in my mind.
"You are a big nothing. And now that I am back I am gonna prove it." I continued.
"Well, I wonder from who that text was." Said Farkle sarcastically.
He noticed that I wasn't in the mood for jokes, maybe he just saw the pain in my eyes.Farkle came closer and pulled me again in his hug.
"Look,Riles. Everything is gonna be okay." He said trying to comfort me.It wasn't working.
"Well, one thing I know is that Missy's name should be Bitchy."
I let out a small laugh.
"And another one is that ,you are the smartest,kindest and happier girl I've ever met."
Okay, maybe it was working.
"Don't let Missy take that away from you."
"You're right Farkle.Now comm'on we have to get to class."
I said while whipping off the tears from my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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