Chapter Two

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Hey guys! I'm uploading again! (: haha, Happy New Year and all that jazz(: 


Chapter Two

          I went to school in the morning, missing Kale’s teasing and taunting as he made me my blood. I drank it cold, me being too lazy and tired to microwave it. It wasn’t very good cold, but I drank it anyway.

          I got dressed and bundled up in my coat and walked to school. It was times like these that made me want to drop out of school. I have forever to learn. I don’t need high school.

          I went to school. I hated my first period class of Algebra II, but it was over quickly. I then went to English, which I love. Writing is something I enjoy a lot, and since I’ll be stuck on Earth forever, writing a novel is on my bucket list. Then I had French three, which I like a lot. My fourth class is art, which is my absolute favorite. I’ve been working on a painting of a wolf for the past few days, and I plan on giving it to Kale for Christmas.

          The rest of the day passed slowly. I walked home, surprised it wasn’t snowing. Sure, there was a good foot of the white fluffy stuff covering the ground, but it wasn’t that bad.

          I walked in the front door and hung up my coat. My mom was in the dining room, looking through the Sunday ads.

          “How was school?” she asked.

          “Fine,” I sighed, wondering where Kale was. He usually was in the kitchen after a full moon.

          “He’s in his room,” she said, and I smiled, walking up to his room. I opened the door, and he’s lying on his bed, in only his boxer briefs. He’s eating pretzels and nutella while watching TV.

          I lie on the bed beside him, grabbing a pretzel and dipping it in the nutella.

          “Well, hello to you too,” he laughs.

          “How was the full moon?” I asked. He just shrugs.

          “You are freezing,” he mumbles, and pulls his covers over us.

          “When am I not?” I laugh. He pulls me closer to him, and I warm up, feeling his warmth on my skin. I lay with my head on his chest, his arm around me.

I try not to gawk when I see him shirtless. He’s got the toned, muscular washboard abs with tanned russet skin. He has black hair and chocolate brown eyes.

          “I missed you,” I mumble into his bare chest.

          “I was only gone for twelve hours,” he mused.

          “I know,” I whisper.

          “I missed you too,” he says softly after a few seconds of silence.

          “Can I ask you a question?”

          “Sure,” he says, shrugging.

          “Have you imprinted on someone?” I blurted out.

          “Uh…,” he stammered, “Yeah.”

          “Then why do you stay with us, and not her?”

          “I said you could as a question, not two,” he said nervously.

          I don’t know how long we lay like that, munching on pretzels and watching old Saturday Night Live episodes on Netflix. It felt nice. Kale had always been my father’s best friend, but as I got older, he became mine too.

          I rolled over on top of him, burying my face into the crook of his neck. He hugged me tightly. He smelled so good, like rain and pine forest. I could hear the blood pumping through his jugular, and it made me crave him more than I ever had before. I pulled away quickly, feeling my fangs come out. I quickly got off the bed, using my vampire speed and ran over to the door.

          “What’s wrong?” he asked. I just held my hand over my mouth and shook my head.

          “Maysie, what’s wrong?” he got up quickly and stood in front of me.

          “I need blood,” I said and ran into the kitchen, getting a pack of donor blood and biting it open, devouring it in seconds. It’s disgusting cold, but I don’t care. I finish it in a few seconds, and grab another. I sigh, and throw the empty bag into the trash.

          I’m glad my mom’s long gone at work; otherwise I’d have to explain my weird craving for Kale’s blood. I turn around and see Kale looking at me, concerned. He pulls me into a hug.

          “That was so embarrassing,” I mumbled.

          “Hey,” he whispered, pulling away. He tucks my hair behind my ear, “It’s okay, Mays.” He kisses my forehead.

          “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

          “It’s okay,” he insisted.

          “I’m going to do my homework, okay?” I say.

          “Sure,” he says and kisses my forehead.

          I go up to my room and work on my homework, frustrated at what I almost did. I look at my algebra with hatred. I hate math. I’ve never been good at it. Kale always helped me, he was good at explaining it. Just as I was about to call his name, he appeared in the doorway.

          “Having your math mental breakdown yet?” he chuckled.

          “Yeah,” I said softly.

          He leaned over me. I was sitting at my desk, using my small lamp as light. He leaned over me, and his warm, woodsy smell enveloped me. He started explaining my math, and I nodded, and then wrote down the answer I got.

          “That’s right! Good!” he said. He lied down on my bed, his arms folded behind his head. We sat in silence as I finished my math. I put my homework back in my book bag, and laid down on top of Kale.

He’s a great deal bigger than me. He was a very muscular six foot three, while I was a petite five foot five. When I laid on top of him, I barely covered half of him.

           He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my forehead.

          “I know you’re still upset about earlier,” he started, “Don’t be. Even if you had bitten me and drank my blood, I would have healed and been as good as new in a few minutes,” he says softly.

          “I’m so sorry,” I whispered, “I don’t know what came over me, I’ve never had that problem with you before.”

          “Hey, I said it was fine, and I meant it,” he growled softly.


          “We’re good?” he asked.

          “Yeah,” I whispered.

          “Good,” he kissed the top of my head. 

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