Chapter Eight

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Gabriel fidgeted with the collar of his shirt as he waited for Sam to speak. The boy had been driving in silence for the past half hour, and, little did he want to admit, it worried Gabriel. Was Sam mad because Gabriel hadn't tried very hard to defend himself from his father, Chuck?

Of course the trickster-like boy could lie, say he tried to defend himself, but it wasn't like Sam would believe him.

As Sam pulled up into his driveway, he gave Castiel a look that said, Shoo. I wanna talk to him.

Castiel nodded and rushed out of the car, making a quick grab for Gabriel's luggage before ditching his brother with angry(?) Sam, who, as far as Gabriel was concerned, was just like Lucifer, his (third favorite, Balthazar and Cassie always had been closer to Gabe) brother. Lucifer, was basically Satan himself- he lived up to his namesake better than any of the siblings. Gabriel's father, before his mother disappeared, was a big religious freak. So was his mom, apparently. So now he had a ton of brother's named after God's Angels. He despised it.

Sam broke Gabriel's train of thoughts with a sharp sigh. "So... Is...that why Castiel moved here?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows together. "Because... You didn't want to leave him with your abusive dad?"

Gabriel nodded solemnly. "Luci had moved out the minute mom left, because dad always got mad at him and blamed him for stuff. He promised he'd come back for me, but he never did, even though sometimes he'd sneak a visit. He knew taking me put both us at risk." Gabriel cleared his throat and stared at his hands.

"Tell me more," Sam ordered gruffly, not even trying to be empathetic.

"Michael blamed him too. I didn't want to get caught up in their bickering and fighting, so I soon ignored both of them, not even bothering to intervene. Balthazar, he didn't like it much either, of course.   I think he took more Dad's side, but I guess he didn't really like choosing sides much.

"Then he got cancer- Balth did, and real bad, too. He died one day, and so I didn't have him anymore. Michael left on a search for LuLu after he fled, and Anna... I don't know about her. She just disappeared." Gabriel sucked in a breath before continuing, "Cassie and I were all that were left. So when Grandma and Grandpa offered to take one of us- well, they said maybe later they could take another, but it was too dangerous to take both at the same time- and I of course told them to take Cassie. He was so young... I couldn't see him getting hurt. So I made him go. I made him leave to America. Sweden isn't all that great anyway."

Sam closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. "Wow," he breathed. Then, "you don't sound Swedish."

Of all the things that Sam could have said, Gabriel wasn't expecting it to be that. It was so abruptly surprising, that Gabriel couldn't help but let out a snort and burst into a fit of laughter. "T-That's all y-ou h-ave to s-ay?!" He wheezed. "I j-u-st told you m-y life s-tory and..." Tears were falling from his eyes he was laughing so hard.

"I'm not from Sweden, you big oon!"

"Oon?" Sam raised an eyebrow.

"N-ever mind," Gabriel giggled. "Did you purposely do that? To make me feel better?"

Sam grinned. "Maybe."


Alright, Ima thank candybar_master  for helping me with this chapter and being inspiration. Anywho. Adios you oons.

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