XII. House of War: Part 2

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Mara didn't answer. Instead, she hugged KT and whispered "I'll miss her."

KT's mind was filled with memories of Patricia. While she was sitting up here, sulking like a child over a boy, her friend was gone. Not just gone, but gone forever.

"How?" KT asked, releasing Mara.

They sat on KT's bed and held a pillow to their chest.

"We were in the next round. Eddie volunteered to grab this sword, but Patricia didn't want him to. This caused her to grab it. It ended up being a sword fight against some ancient spirit and—"

Mara couldn't speak anymore. The thought of Patricia's death scarred her. The sword tearing through her chest, the look in her eyes and her life ended, all of it. It was heartbreaking, but she knew she couldn't talk about it hurting. If anyone should complain about the pain, it should be Joy or Eddie. After all, they were the closest to her. Then there was Nina and Amber, but it was painful either way.

"I'm so sorry." KT sighed.

The girls continued to cry into their pillows. After all, one of their own had died. It could destroy their hearts, or Sibuna all together.

~ § § § § § ~

Eddie sat alone in his room. He couldn't cry. He couldn't even feel. It's as if when Patricia died, so did his emotions. There was only one thing that he wanted to do. He was determined to finish what they'd started. No matter the cost, he was going to avenge Patricia. He was ready to beat the Game of the Gods.

~ § § § § § ~

Alfie and Jerome were in complete shock. It didn't feel real. How could someone so close to them just be gone. In an instant. Never to be seen again. It was unimaginable to them. Alfie and Jerome couldn't even eat, knowing that Patricia was gone.

Jerome waited inside his room alongside Alfie, waiting for Joy. She had gone to use the restroom and to take off her mascara before it smeared anymore.

As Jerome waited in silence, his memories with Patricia flashed back. Although most were either brief talks or smart remarks, she was still his friend. He could only imagine what Joy or Eddie must be thinking.

As he continued to drift away in thought, Joy opened the door and fell into Jerome's arms. She was overwhelmed with sadness. It was like her entire life had ended right in front of her. Patricia wasn't just her best friend, she was practically her sister. Whenever things got hard, they were there for each other.

Although they others would heal in time, a part of Joy would be damaged forever.

~ § § § § § ~

Amber leaned on Fabian inside of Nina's room. Patricia's loss hurt them, but Fabian wasn't ready to give in just yet.

"I'm going to miss her . . ." Amber sighed.

"Don't say that!" Fabian snapped, jumping up from the floor.

"Why not?" Amber asked, pulling herself up.

"I don't think she's really dead."

"Um, we kind of saw her die, Fabian."

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