"It's ok," I whispered softly, trying to soothe him, but he didn't move. He only let out a rattled sigh.

A ringing bell split the hurtful comments of the class and signaled our dismissal. I grabbed my book bag then hurried back to the shop. All though I was in no rush, I walked briskly, setting a fast pace. Dib had said he was going to check the bathrooms to see if Zim was still in them, so I walked home without him.

To my surprise, Bug was sitting out front of the shop in her disguise. Her tail twitched to a slow rhythm. She turned my way when she heard my footsteps on the solid concrete. They were loud considering it was a rather quiet day.

Quickly, she ran up to me and greeted me in a not-so-friendly matter and walked into the shop. The little bell rang as I stepped inside. I marched to the back of the shop and pulled the lever, Bug standing right beside me as we descended into the base.

Today I decided I would get serious with my mission; I would see if there is anything I could do to see if I could fix my ship.

"Bug," I looked down at her. She was out of her disguise now, and so was I. "It's time we get serious about our mission. I'm going to try to fix the ship, but it probably can't be done in one night."

Bug's antennae twitched in delight and her expression seemed more excited. When the elevator had stopped she leaped onto the hard metal ground of the base. Bug's landing let out a loud clang that echoed around the room of machinery.

I passed my computer and chair and walked over to a part of the base I don't usually go near. Big steel doors stood in front of me. I pulled down the lever and the doors slid apart, leaving behind ominous smoke. The smoke soon cleared to reveal my old beat-up ship. It had an uncountable number of dents in it and barley looked compatible.

I turned to my S.I.R, "Right. Bug, do you have a screw driver or wrench? We could be using those to repair the flight systems." I asked her.

The little robot stood still for a moment, looked around them shook her head. I stomped my foot on the ground in frustration, "Well, that leaves us with our only option: Going to a human store," I said, "Maybe I could ask Dib if we could use some of his Earth money."

Bug gave me an annoyed glance and muttered, "Fine, but we're not going over there for anything else!" I stepped back at the tone in her voice. I rolled my eyes and sighed at her, then we walked back to the elevator.

I activated my disguise and Bug activated hers. The elevator stopped and I walked to the doors.

When I stepped outside, I looked like nothing more than a little girl with her pet cat. I had put Bug on her leash and we rather sprinted than walked to Dib's.

My legs carried me all the way to his doorstep, Bug out of breath and panting. The tabby then stood up straight and waved her tail preparedly.

The door opened. Dib's head popped out and he blinked at us.

Before I could open my mouth to speak, Bug hissed, "Let us in filthy human!" She was about to jump on his face again, but I scooped her up and held her in my arms. She kept fighting but I kept her in my arms.

"We... Need your... Money for something... Bug, quit!" I shouted. The tabby stopped squirming with a bored, unhappy look on her face.

"Dib, I need to borrow some of your Earth money to buy some tools." I told him. Dib looked from Bug to me, and said, "What do you need the tools for?"

"T-to repair my ship. Why would you ask?" I stuttered and started to sweat at the suspicious look on his face. He stepped back then slowly opened the door.

I walked in and grasped Bug even tighter. She didn't even try to squirm now. Dib closed the door behind us.

"I'll be right back. Stay here." Dib told me rather quietly, then he walked off. I heard him run up the stairs and then back down. He returned with green paper wadded up in his hand. He had a few silver and bronze coins.

"Let's see, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen dollars and thirty-six cents," Dib counted the money and handed it to me, "Here," I grabbed the money and put it in my trench coat pocket.

"Thanks," I told him and smiled at him. We stared into each other's eyes for a minute, then Bug suddenly bit my arm and I screamed. Dib flinched and fell on the floor. She slipped out of my hands and started to tear at him.

"Gah! Not again!" Dib screamed and wriggled to get out from under her.

"Bug, no!" I leaped into the action and tried to help Dib. Seconds later, all I could hear was Dib's terrified shouts and Bug's enraged screeches. I felt claws batter me and tear at my trench coat.

When I was finally able to grab Bug, I had to strangle her in my arms just to keep her from escaping. Dib quickly got up. His shirt and coat were torn and his scythe hair was crooked and messy.

A sudden cough made us both jump. Gaz leaned on the wall around the corner of the hallway. She was staring at all three three of us. Bug was looking at the little girl as well.

"If you don't mind, I'm trying to watch a movie that I just got," Gaz muttered to us, "At least go into your stinking room and beat them up," she pointed at Bug and I. We stood statue-still as she studied us, then she disappeared into the dark hallway.

Dib and I just looked at each other in silence and I slowly backed to the door. He watched me as I opened the and slipped out. Moments later I poked my head back through the door and said, "Eh, thanks for the money," then I went for sure.

I had let Bug jump out of my arms. She landed on the ground ungracefully and stared up at me.

"What is wrong with you?" she hissed at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I mocked, "So I was just supposed to sit idly by and watch you scratch my friend to death?"

"Yes!" Bug spat, "He's a human; an enemy!"

"Bug! This is no time to argue. We have to get to the tool store the humans buy tools at." I said to her.

We approached the tool store, but it wasn't in the condition I had hoped for. Police humans surrounded the entrance that was wrapped up in yellow crossing tape that was a little like my base. I tried making my way through all the people and police humans, but I tripped and fell in a puddle.

My skin burned and crippled in the wetness and I squirmed and screamed. Bug watched in horror as I broke out into a seizure. All the people had their eyes on me, not daring to look a different way. Suddenly, when I lay very still, the worst thing possible happened.

My disguise deactivated automatically.

The humans stared at me for a few seconds more, then one of them shouted, "Alien!" The rest of the crowd followed in a chorus of gasps and screams.

My eye sight started to become bleary and I felt numb. I could barley see about five police humans surround me. They shouted something to each other, then put something over my eyes.

And everything went black.

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