Subject B...

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Hey, Maya here. Of my boredom and raging migraine I got from eating too much hot sauce, I decided to assign us each a subject number thingy. So yeah.

Maya- Subject B7- The Haunted/The Loyal (I couldn't decide oops)
Chalice- Subject B5- The Link (Basically Group B's Glue)
Kenzie- Subject B3- The Courageous (wtf how??? I had a mental breakdown instead of answering what I wanted for dinner. ~Kenzie)
Jane- Subject B1- The Survivor
Harley- Subject B2- The Rational (what the Hades?? How is that??? I don't think I'm rational. Then again, I don't remember what rational means. Whelp. I still don't think it's me, anyway. ~Harley Quinn)
Trixie- Subject B8- The Quiet
Anne- Subject B9- The Creative
Sarah- Subject B10- The Bright
Sky- Subject B11- The Considerate

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