"I love you daddy!" I can't keep him from seeing Justin.

"Justin, come here." He walks around to my side.

"You can see him. I'm not going to keep him from you."

"And what about you?"

"Not me. Only when you pick him up or I drop him off."

"So his life has become like this."

"I guess. Now I must go." I kiss his cheek. Sure will miss him but oh well. I just can't let Jaxon grow up with parents who are always fighting. I drive off.

"Mommy where are we going?"

"A nice condo for now."

"Okay." We find a condo not to far. I'm sure in no time I will have an actual house for us to live in.

"Mommy! Can Walter come over to our new place and help us and his mom."

"Of course! Here call his mom." I give my phone to Jaxon. I grab all the bags out the car. A few minutes later Walter and his mom stop by.

"Hey guys!"


"Y'all go play while we talk!"

"Okay!" The kids run off to who knows where.

"So how are you feeling I mean I just left him today so it really hasn't hit me yet."

"Yeah. I'm so sorry Ariana. I can't believe this happened to y'all."

"It's okay."

"I mean y'all are a power couple I never thought this would happen."

"Alright I get it." I kind of snap at her.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm sorry for snapping like that."

"It's okay. Shall we start unpacking."

"No because we won't be here long. I'm going to actually try and find a house for us."

"Alright. Well if you need anything I'm here."

"Actually do you mind taking Jaxon for the night?"

"Not at all."

"I know you need to think."

"Yeah. Jaxon sweetie!"

"Yes mommy?"

"You are going with Walter and his mom tonight."

"But I want to be with you mommy."

"Mommy needs to think for a while."

"Okay. I'll go."

"Thank you sweetie!" I kiss him in his forehead and pack some clothes for him. They leave and I go upstairs and hop in the shower. I start singing a new song.

"I got a new do. Some new shoes just to go with my new boo. Loving me like he use to." I get out the shower. I get dressed into something comfortable.

 I get dressed into something comfortable

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I walk to the kitchen and make some tea. I hear the front door slam.

"Jaxon?" I grab a skillet pan. I walk towards the door.

"Who's there?"

"Ariana it's me." I turn around to a dark corner.

"Who is me?"


"What do you want?" I put down the skillet.

"I came to talk."

"We already did about Jaxon."

"No about us."

"We are done."

"You don't mean that."

"Yes I do."

"Please I can't live without you. I didn't mean to get mad at you earlier."

"You also yelled at Jaxon the other day and hit the wall so you wouldn't hit him."

"You know about that."

"Yes Jaxon told me."

"Please Ariana I'll get help."

"No. You better be glad I'm even letting see Jaxon. Speaking of that how about every other weekend?"

"Sounds good. But can I just hold you for one more night."

"No. Now you can come to my ultra sound if you want it's tomorrow. I moved it up early."

"Of course."

"Now I'm going to the studio."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."


"Bye." I watch him drive away. I go to the studio and write that song I was singing earlier and recorded it. I really love it. It's something to give my babes after the whole album is released. Alright I'm going to go home and get some rest since I'm carrying someone else now. I'm not losing this one. I stop by the grocery store to pick up something to eat. I guess it will be salad and a fruit salad. I go back home and eat. Then I go to bed.


Y'all this was so sad to write. And I know how I want this to go so yeah.

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