[Nadia] Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

"What is wrong with you!"

"I wanted company, the water's fine." He splashed me, the water soaking my hair, I was thankful that I had taken my braids out and I wasn't afraid to get my natural hair wet.

"What is wrong with you Tobias," he didn't answer, instead he put his lips to mine and kissed me. Heaven. A demon was giving me heavenly sensations.

I was winded, his mouth moved against mine in the most perfect motions. My hands tangled themselves in the hair I had just been admiring, his hands found my butt.

"Nadia," he paused, stealing one more kiss, "mi angelo."

"You kissed me."

"Yeah, it was impulse. It felt good though, I'm glad I did it."

"Your scars are gone."

Tobias flexed his back, "you're right. Thanks for that too I guess."

It wasn't until I looked down at Tobias' hand did I realize I was sitting in his blood soaked bath water. I jumped out, splashing it and causing it to run over onto the wooden floors.


"Oh c'mon, it's just a-"

"I was talking about the water."

"Oh," Tobias stood up, wrapping a towel around his waist with one hand and letting the water out of the tub with his other. He looked gorgeous, with his black hair wet against his back and his body carved by some witchcraft.

"I'm hungry."

"What do you want?"

"Honestly," I rubbed my growling stomach, "anything."

"Shit, taking care of humans is hard. I should've thought more into this before I saved you."

"Thanks for letting me know that Tobias, anything else?"

He smirked, "you want to know something? I really like it when you're sarcastic."

I rolled eyes, "are you going to feed me or not?"

"You think I fucked up why whole underworld hierarchy by saving you just to let you die from hunger? Give me a second to get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs."

I turned around, closing the door gently behind me and walking down the stairs. The kitchen was empty so I took a seat at the long, oak table in the middle of the room and fiddled with some faux fruit sitting in the middle.

"Ready," Tobias appeared in the doorway.

"You switch between soccer dad and confused hipster."

He looked down at his outfit, "fuck you."

"I was joking."

"You're about three smart ass responses from not eating."

"I thought you liked it when I was sassy?"

He fought a smile and eventually lost, "anyways, are you ready?"

It was hot as hell, no pun intended. Their was a bright, ray of light that provided the same warmth as the soon. I looked around curiously, their were people walking around, seemingly happy enough, but I was just so confused as to why. Was this not hell? Was it not suppose to be damnation and fiery pits, it just seemed like a business as usual day.

We walked a little further until we came to a small shop. The name was written in something I couldn't underhand, Tobias held the door open and slipped through into the store. It was cold inside, not a gentle breeze, but freezing. I shivered and could see my own breath as my lips parted, shaking. The store had shelves lined to the top of the roof with books and other small objects. Everything looked ancient, as if it had been taken from the early times and placed in to one spot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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