my eyebrow. Wow, I knew he was dumb but not this dumb. The next part made more sense. "I thought

of you first, of course. But I thought you would probably be wearing something simple. Wait, I didn't

even ask about how your night was. I didn't even see you!" I shook my head. "It's okay, keep talking

about your special girl." He grinned. "This might take awhile."

Sam's POV

We had been talking for awhile. It was a good thing we both had study hall right now. A couple times, I

would catch her trying not to smile. I wondered if she knew who the girl was and wasn't saying

anything. I said this at one point but she just brushed it off. "So what were you wearing? I didn't see you.

I wanted to be the one to see you in a dress. You know, because I've never really seen you in one." She

looked down. "Oh, you know. It was just a dress. You wouldv'e liked it." She paused. "I guess." I sighed.

How great to get an exact answer. Just at that time, my phone dinged. I checked to see that it was a

school email. It said:

The Masquerade was a success! Thank you all for making this happen and to those who showed up! The night was full of mystery (there were cool pictures here), excitement (and here), and romance (and here).

I gasped. I pointed to a picture on the email next to the word romance. "That's her!" I exclaimed. Syd

leaned over and looked at the picture. It was of me and my mystery girl, we had just stopped slow

dancing. I had touched her mask, and it looked like I was caressing her cheek. Although the picture

wasn't entirely true, I took a screenshot. I looked up at Syd and she looked extremely uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?" She swallowed. "Um.. listen, Sam there's something I should probably tell you." I

waited for her to continue. Just as she opened her mouth, the bell rung. She jumped, startled. I looked

at her questioningly. She shook her head. "Maybe later." She walked out quickly, without even saying

goodbye. I looked down at the new picture in my phone. Maybe this girl could help me move on from

Syd... if I ever found her. 

Syd's POV

I should've told him. But I couldn't. He was so happy about his girl. Even though I was her, I also wasn't.

He was looking for a beautiful, elegant, mysterious girl but I was that for one night... barely. If I told him,

he would be crushed. I couldn't be that for him. I was just his friend, practically one of the guys. He

couldn't see me like that. He deserves someone who can be girly enough and beautiful enough, inside

and out. I checked the email that Sam had shown me. There was another picture next to ours. It was of

S and Ethan dancing. Her head was on his shoulder and he was smiling slightly. I sighed, it was

probably better this way. They looked good together. I looked closer at the picture of Sam and I. I

couldn't help but smile as I looked at him. The look in his eyes was complete adoration, for a girl he

thought he had just met that night. For a girl that practically didn't exist. I turned off my phone and

someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see it was Charlie. He was staring at me intently. I smiled and he

gasped. "What? What did I do now?!" He shook his head. "It is you. Isn't it?" I stared at him confused.

"Uh.. sorry? Charlie, I don't-" He cut me off. "Don't deny it, I know it was you." He saw that I continued to

look confused. He pulled me over to the side of the hallway. "Syd, I know you're the one that Sam was

dancing with." My mouth dropped open in shock. He smiled. "Come on Syd. I'm smarter than the other

guys. I know that smile. I've seen it enough." I didn't even bother denying it. He knew he was right. "But

how did you know but Sam and Nick didn't? And everyone else." He scratched his head. "I'm not going

to lie, that was the smile I used to be in love with."

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