The Arcade guy

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So me and raven always hang out at the arc arcade. we have every year since 3rd grade. But now there's this other guy that is always there his name is Bellamy and we made a bet, because life isn't fun with out bets, so the bet is both me and Bellamy play 3 games and whoever wins the most games wins the bet. If I win Bellamy has to give me his converse hoodie, if he wins he gets to take me on a date and his friend wick gets to take Raven on a date.

The score is currently 1/1 and the last game is air hockey now I know Bellamy is quite good at this but I am brill at this so he better watch out.  "So princess you sure you can beat me" he is so obnoxious Ughhh "like batter curly fry" I can't help but smirk at his confused face. Then Raven whispers in my ear "can you please loose so I can go on a date with that wick guy please?" Is she serious I want that hoodie "Rae I don't want to loose tho" I wisper back "please Clarkey il love you forever you know how long it took me to get over Finn please bestie ?"
Ugh she is so convincing "fine but only if u can convince bell to give me his hoodie" " deal and did you just call him bell?" O shit I did just shake it off Clarke just shake it off "uh did I I didn't notice. Right LETS PLAY!"
"Princess?" He calls out "what?"  "Your going down" what do I say to that coz I'm gonna loose anyway "I'm yelling not timberrrr" he just laughs after that.
"Told you I would win princess" I just give Raven a death glare and he slings his arm over my shoulder, he actually smells quite good " can we just go on that stupid date now!" Ugh I just want get this over with.

Okay so the date is actually going quite well until the the waitress  comes up to us and asks if we want any drinks we of course order four cokes, then she says to me and Bellamy "you guys are so cute together anyone can tell he's totally hooked" I was so surprised when he said "Octavia you have know idea" I just looked confused but then she said "that's my brother by the way you must be Clarke he text me saying he one the bet" i glare at Raven and she just smiles "I actually let him win because Raven really wanted to go on a date with wick" I laugh because Raven goes bright red but then Bellamy buts in "well since you went on a date with me.... Here" takes of his hoodie and hands it to me. I slip it on and we get up to leave.

Once we got out side Bellamy faced me and gave me a quick peck on the lips and turned around to walk away but I grabbed his arm to turn him around again and kissed him passionately. We both parted and got in our trucks and drove away I realized I didn't  get his number "shit Raven I didn't get his number" "check your pocket babe" I find a little note in the pocket of his hoodie and it reads

Hey princess this is my number *********** may we meet again beautiful X

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