The one time Nick Stokes liked peanut butter

Start from the beginning

Nick knew where this conversation was going. He and Emma Grace had talked about this issue a couple of times since he had been shot at and she had found out. Nick didn't want to fight with her, but he wanted to calm her worries at the same time. He lightly tightened his arms around Emma Grace and said,"Emma, we've had this conversation before. It's okay, and I'm safe."

"Nick, you were shot at! That's not being safe!" Emma Grace exclaimed. She was keeping her voice low so she wouldn't upset the other family members who were talking in the living room.

"Ems, it's okay," Nick said resting his forehead against hers.

"I hate that you have this job, and I have to always worry about losing you. I can't lose you, Nick, not ever," Emma Grace said, and before Nick could say or do anything else, Emma Grace walked away from Nick and took the plate of Peanut Butter fudge with her into the living room.

Nick sighed and then followed Emma Grace. The whole family spent hours decorating the house for Christmas and eating plates of fudge. Emma Grace was staying away from Nick, though, and the family was getting suspicious.

When dusk came, Emma Grace excused herself from the family festivities and went back into the kitchen for a few minutes. She returned to the living room and whispered something to Nick's niece Ashley. Ashley smiled and headed to the kitchen and Emma Grace headed outside.

Nick wanted to go after Emma Grace but decided to give her her space for a little while. He was brought out of his thoughts when Ashley came back from the kitchen wth something behind her back and walked up to him.

"Uncle Nicky, I have a surprise for you," Ashley said smiling.

"What is it kiddo?" Nick asked giving all of his attention to his niece.

"This," Ashley said pulling a plate of chocolate fudge from behind her back and offering it to Nick.

"Ashley, did you make this for me Sweetie?" Nick asked smiling and taking the plate of fudge from his niece.

"No, Aunt Emma made it, but I helped her. Aunt Emma thought it would be funny if we told you we didn't make any of your favorite fudge and then gave it to you," Ashley said grinning from ear to ear.

"Thank you, Ashley," Nick said kissing his niece on the cheek. He sat the plate down beside the Peanut Butter fudge and grabbed one chocolate flavor and one peanut butter flavor. Then he headed for the door.

Nick saw Emma Grace standing against the railing of the porch. He walked up and wrapped one of his jackets around Emma Grace. He wrapped one arm around Emma Grace and pulled her to him. He rested his head on her shoulder and whispered, "thank you for the chocolate fudge." He then offered Emma Grace a piece of the Peanut Butter fudge.

Emma gave him a tiny smile and accepted the fudge. Then she said, "You're welcome and thanks, Nicky. But, I'm still mad at you." The two ate their fudge in silence and then Nick gently turned Emma Grace around to face him.

"Ems, I'm so sorry that you're scared. I was scared too when I got shot at, but I love this job, Emma. I've always wanted to be in law enforcement, and you know that. After all, when we were little I would always get you to play cops and robbers, and I was the cop," Nick said smiling at the memories of them as kids.

"Nicky, I know this is the job for you, but I can't lose you. You and your family are all I have left; I can't lose anyone else I love," Emma Grace said with tears in her eyes.

"Gracie, you are not going to lose me. I'm not going to let you ever be by yourself. This job comes with risks, but I promise you that I take all of the safety percussions that I can. I want to get back to you and my family after each day of work, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I do," Nick explained and gently wiped away Emma's tears.

Emma Grace wrapped her arms around Nick's neck and hugged him. Nick hugged Emma back as tight as she was hugging him. When the two friends broke apart, they kept their foreheads together and stared at each other. Then Nick did the one thing he had wanted to do since he came home for Thanksgiving that first year he was at college. Nick tilted his head and leaned in closer to Emma Grace. Their lips connected and they shared their first kiss.

The couple broke apart, and Nick licked his lips and chuckled. "What?" Emma Grace asked smiling up at him.

"I think I've finally found a way to like peanut butter," Nick said smiling at Emma Grace. Emma Grace let out a laugh and then leaned up and kissed Nick again. They were interrupted when someone else came out on the porch and said, "Uncle Nick, Aunt Emma, Grandma said you two need to come in before you turn to icicles!"

The couple broke apart and looked at Ashley. They looked back at each other and laughed. Then the three of them went back into the house.

Nick smiled at the memory and then paid for his breakfast. He left the diner and went home to get some sleep. His dreams were filled with peanut butter fudge and kisses in the winter time.

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