Chapter 2, Part 2

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Kayla gave a loud huff. "Can't. I have to be home right after the game to either hand out candy or take the curtain-climbers out trick-or-treating." Kayla not only had four older brothers, but two younger sisters and a little brother as well. "I'll bring them by your place for you to throw popcorn at them."

I sighed. "It's just not the same."

Kayla giggled as she dropped into the chair on my left with a thud. "We can hang after I take them out. They'll be done early since Mom doesn't want them out too long, with the storm expected and all. Who knows, Halloween might end up cancelled yet."

"Don't tease me like that."

"Is this seat taken?" A male voice over my right shoulder asked. I whirled around in my seat to find the 70's retro dude with the bullet hole in his temple standing next to the chair pulled out from the table.

"What? What is it?" Kayla asked.

"Nothing. I mean, whatever." Great. This day just kept getting better and better. I turned my back to the ghost, trying to pretend he wasn't there.

Kayla raised an eyebrow, but changed the topic. "Is your dad around for movies tonight? I love it when he tries to scare us."

I snorted. "No. He's out of town on business – again. We never get any warning about his business trips. He just got home a couple days ago, then this morning he was gone again. At least that's what Mom said. But I swear I nearly tripped over his suitcase by the front door this morning."

"Ouch. He's not around for your birthday? Tough luck." She pulled a classic Kayla by switching to a more positive subject. "Anywho, I'll stop by the library and pick up a couple of classic DVD's. You and I will have a blast. How about 'Night of the Living Dead'?"

I glanced over at the 70's dude sitting on the other side of me. Too close to my reality. "How about a werewolf movie instead? Or vampires. Make it vampires." There aren't any real vampires, right? Right?

The 70's dude chimed in. "'Count Dracula' is one of my favourites."

"Yeah, 'Count Dracula' sounds like a good idea," I agreed. Oops.

"Kayla lifted her eyebrow. "I don't remember suggesting it, but okay..."

Klassen took this moment to interrupt. Did I ever mention his keen sense of timing? "Kayla, would you deliver the attendance record to the office please?"

I grabbed the paper from him. "I've got it. It's on my way to math class." I gathered up my sketch pad and backpack. "I'll catch you later," I called out as I raced for the door.

I hated hearing voices that no one else did. It made simple conversations feel like shark-infested waters. I had to get away from the 70's dude. But I wasn't going to get away that easy; this ghost had longer legs than I did. "Did I hear your friend say it was your birthday today?"

"Yeah, no big deal," I mumbled, hoping the other students scurrying in the hall wouldn't hear me. Then again, it's not like I was the school's queen bee – a.k.a. Cassie – so I didn't have to worry about attracting attention.

"I like your Halloween costume, by the way. Erm, what exactly are you dressed as, anyhow?"

I rolled my eyes and clenched my teeth as I tried to increase my walking speed. "I'm Alex, and only Alex. Not anything – or anyone – else."

The gap between us widened as we continued down the hall. "Cool, cool. I get you. You dance to a different beat. I hear you." He nodded his head a few times. "You seem familiar to me, but I don't recognize your name. Maybe without all that makeup, I might be able to place you. I'm Bo, by the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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