Chapter Five

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IM SO EMO BC I KEEP LISTENING TO "MT. WASHINGTON" AKA THE SONG THAT PLAYS DURING CHLOES (actually it doesn't but it's still sad) FUNERAL AND IT GOES "I don't have to see you right now" IM SO SAD!!!!! But I'm on the way to tha airport late, (someone hit my sisters car while we were about to leave 😩) but I'm alright and now I'm in her Boyfriends car and we're leaving but sorry the yesterday's chapter was EH! hopefully this one won't be so sucky. enjoy:)) sorry my texting formats always changing, I DOTN HAVE TO SEE YOUUU RIGHT NOWWW

4:48 PM; October 18, 2013

Victoria tapped her fingers against the desk.

4:46; From Maxine;
-Hey, did you get to class?

4:47; To Maxine;
-BTW, please take off your clothes and put them nicely in your closet
-I really don't feel like coming and ironing your clothes for you.

Why is she taking so long to reply? Victoria put her hand her cheek. A few minutes past, Taylor came and sat next to her. "Hey Victoria"


Victoria instantly picked up her phone.

4:54; From Maxine;
-I mean, I have other clothes that you can iron for me:)

Victoria smiled at her phone.

4:55; To Maxine;

"Oh.. Who are you texting?" Taylor tried to take a peep at Victoria's phone, Victoria quickly moved her phone. "Stop being so fucking nosy Taylor." Taylor smirked. "Is it a cute guy?" Victoria rolled her eyes. "Mind. Your. Business." Taylor took out her phone. "I'm so about to text Courtney and tell her that you're getting some!" Victoria stared at Taylor. "Getting what? I'm not texting anyone." Taylor nodded. "Riight. You're definitely not." Taylor began to text.

5:50 PM

Taylor stood outside of class waiting for Victoria. "Vic, do you wanna go to that Asian-Fusion restaurant? I'm super hungry." Definitely not. Like ever. Victoria shook her head. "No, I'm gonna be busy today." Taylor checked the time on her phone. "Busy doing what? You don't have any classes." Victoria fixed her the cuff on her sleeve. "How do you know that? Super creep." Courtney came up to Taylor and Victoria. "I just do." Taylor said softly. "What are you guys talking about." Courtney put her hand on her waist. "Victoria is ditching me because she has to hang out with a cute guy." Courtney stared at Victoria. "Scandalous." Victoria rolled her eyes. "Listen Taylor, I'm sure you can find any guy you're currently talking to go to the restaurant with you. I have to go." Victoria turned around and started walking. Taylor and Courtney being the minions they are, followed her. "Are you calling me a slut?" Taylor did one of those gasps that are supposed to be sarcastic, but it's still kind of offending her. "Sure Taylor, now leave me alone." Victoria walked to the exit of Blackwell.


Max, fuck, I forgot to reply. Victoria pressed the button to see her lockscreen

6:03PM; From Maxine;

Victoria opened her phone.

4:56PM; From Maxine;
-Don't what?

4:57PM; To Maxine;
-I have class Max, I'll TTYL

4:48PM; From Maxine;
-:) TTYL

5:48PM; To Maxine;
-Class is over, hello

5:48PM; From Maxine;

5:49PM; To Maxine;
-I'll BRB
-I have to talk to the stupid ass physics teacher
-u won't fucking believe what grade she gave me

5:50PM; From Maxine;
-Maybe she had a reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5:51PM; From Maxine;

5:53PM; From Maxine;
-Have fun with that (^_^)

6:03PM; From Maxine

6:03PM; To Maxine;
-Sorry, the sluts were bothering me

6:04PM; From Maxine;
-it's rude to call them sluts :/

6:04PM; To Maxine;
-well it's honest
-I'm coming to your dorm, be ready

6:05PM; From Maxine;
-im not at my dorm right now
-maybe later?

Well. What is she doing? Victoria furiously texted.

6:06PM; To Maxine
-its cool
-I was busy gonna be busy afterwards

6:07PM; From Maxine;
-I'll be back before 10, probably, so we can hang out then

6:09PM; To Maxine;
-I'll probably be busy then too.

W6:10PM; From Maxine;
-That's okay, tomorrow maybe?
-Thanks for buying me clothes btw

6:11PM; To Maxine;

I feel like she's lying. Why wouldn't she want to hang out with me? This is why Victoria Chase shouldn't give girls like Max the time of fucking day.

I landed a couple hours ago btw! SHORT CHAPTER! Don't worry. There's more coming!!!! The next chapter is going to soooooOoo cute. Well, just cute, Max has good intentions!!!! Just waitttt! I'll post it tonight :) (no grammar or spelling corrections! Js)

envy is a sin, vic // under a lil bit of construction Where stories live. Discover now