Twenty-Eighth Chapter

Start from the beginning

Well, I have no time to think of such things.

He looked at me as if a child has been doing something wrong and is busted.

"They're here." I informed him after the weirdness of his closing the drawer ended.

"Seriously?" He looked astonished. "But they're here early. They were supposed to be here at 10."

"Yes, they're here sir and it's 10:08 now."

"Dammit, then why were you standing here like a mummy? Couldn't you tell me a bit early."

Why he always have to be rude?

He strode to the door and went out.

The new designs!

I just remembered that I haven't showed him the new designs. He can't show them to the Chinese.... because that designs are totally flawed.

I ran behind him, but when I came in, I saw him going in the conference room with the clients.

God! I need to fix this.

"Sir, you need to see these designs." I cried and ran towards him but someone pulled me back by holding my wrist tightly.

It was Caroline with red as blood lipstick and short blonde hair, wearing a dress that was too short for a professional meeting.

"Which designs?" She said with a frown on her head.

I looked at sir. He was already in.


"Hey!" Caroline yelled driving my attention to her.

I looked at her and grabbed the pen drive with new designs more tightly in my hand.

"Nothing Caroline. I was just going inside the conference room." I gave her a big fake smile.

"Don't try to act smart. Give me that pen drive."

I hate her.

"Which pen drive?" I tried to look oblivious. I couldn't tell her, or she would do something.

She smirked and shook her head and started moving towards the room. I followed her.

On our way, she stopped me.

"Where are you going? You have no work inside." She said with a raised evil brow. "Who are are?"

I've never met her before, but seen her, and she sure is a really clever lady. I don't like her at all... especially that lipstick she's wearing.

"I'm sir's new private assistant." I told her with pride. It might be the first time I was happy to tell someone about my job. How this happened?

Anyways, I'm caring about Mr. David Smith not Sir. I like this company and it's Mr. David's company too. I don't want such people, people like are Caroline destroying it.

"Well, wait outside girl." She started moving inside.

My question stopped her. "Why did you make such absurd mistakes in the designs? You thought Sir won't check them because you're so trusted, but I won't let this happen."

She laughed and at that moment all I wanted to do was to punch her so hard that her teeth fell off.

But I didn't.

"The thing is whatever your name is. In that room your boss is going to lose the best deal ever and actually..." She looked at room. I could see Sir inside the room through the glass walls... he was sitting on the chair stroking his forehead. "Actually I think he has lost the deal." She smiled saying.

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