A bad day

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Thursday rolled in bright and beautiful. The pre-weekend mood had set in all around the office but not for me. My day seemed to take one terrible turn after another. I had meetings back to back. Then one client closed his account with us. I rarely lose clients.

Dejection pressed on my shoulders as I settled in to meet the last client of the day. I particularly didn't like this one. He made me uncomfortable most of the times. First, he loved innuendos a bit too much and would just drop in something inappropriate in a conversation. Secondly, I don't think he understood the concept of boundaries and personal space.

The sleazebag was in my office now. The door was opened just in case he tried something.
He came in at three thirty even though we had agreed on two o'clock. I could feel my nose flaring as he ignored my outstretched hand and hugged me instead. Like I said, No regard for personal space! I counted to ten to cool my anger. When the hug didn't end in the few seconds it should have, I literally pushed the bugger away.

It had always been a struggle dealing with him. In fact, he ignored the chair I indicated for him to sit on and made his way to the corner of my desk.
'So sweetheart, what is the agenda today.'

Dear lord, I felt like punching him in the throat. He knew exactly why he was here.
'We are meeting because as you know your deposit will be maturing in a few days. We should be talking about options and possible rolling over.'
'What are the options?' he asked. Of course he knew the options. We had this dance every three months because he refused to fix his deposit for longer than that. Every three months it was the same fucking dance!

What followed was about thirty minutes of explaining the different investment options, while his face was fixed on my blouse. As I delved deeper into the subject I forgot how uncomfortable he made me feel and focused on the words.

There, that wasn't so bad I thought as I ground to a halt. I had spoken without letting my anger shine through. A true professional if you ask me.

Of course, there was the small issue of me not wanting to lose another big account. I couldn't lose this one as well just because he made me uncomfortable I told myself. If I did, I would never do business with men. I thought about how it might feel like to only deal with women but discarded the idea. I would just have to use what has been dealt me.
He moved closer to my side ruffling the papers on my desk. I panicked at the distance between us. I knew he was about to do something outrageous and was prepared to scream my lungs out.

'We can discuss the issue of a rollover, over dinner,' he said followed by a bloody wink.

Jesus Christ!
He  was dangling the carrot. Hinting of the possibility of a rollover but masking it with a proposition. It was clear if I wanted the roll over I should give him something in return. I am sure what he wanted was not just 'dinner'.
He probably thought if he could get me alone he could have his way with me.

I felt the bile rise in my throat. This was not the first time he had tried this. It wasn't that he was an ugly man. Far from it but he just wasn't my type.
My type was somewhere in Tel Aviv and hadn't the decency to call me back. Why wouldn't he just call to say 'you're not my type.'
It would make it easier to move on I sniggered. I was like a dog with a bone when it came to him. So focused on what I wanted that I never did think of whether it was good or bad for us.

My mind had wandered and Mr. Creepy assumed I was considering his offer.
His hand snaked to my thigh kneading creepily up my skirt. I jumped pushing my chair back and moved away from his slimy touch.
I hated to admit it but I was scared. The door to the office was still open which eased the fear a bit.
'Look Mr. Mwangi....'
'Call me Tom,'he jumped in. He was smiling now. A tom cat i thought. That did it.

'I don't think I will be handling your account anymore,' I blurted.

I felt a weight lifting from my shoulders. I should have done this a long time ago.

He looked at me cynically.
'Oh miss Njeru, but you need me.' He looked smug like he knew something I didn't.
'Your company needs me.' He said handing me a document. The company's financials! How did he get these?

'You had better have your head in the game next time, I would hate to see how the company treats you when I leave!'

He got up picked his briefcase and at the door he added with a smile.
'Next time we will do it at my office or home,'with a wink he was gone.

I started shaking all over. Drat the vile man. As I sunk into the chair the realization of my dilemma wrapped itself around me, choking my resolve. I could always quit a small voice whispered back.
Shit! Why do men do that? Assume that every career woman had to pay for everything with sex!
I needed to do something about this, Fast.

Shit! Shit!

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