"I-I-I'm....scared. Scared that if I tell you this, you would be disgusted, angry, and would run away from us." Her lip quivered as she went to eat more strawberries but I moved it away from her.


"Sam, no matter what happened or what you did, I would never do anything like that towards you. Even if you decided to rob a bank. I'll even join you so don't-"

"I'm pregnant." Her eyes were closed, not risking to see my reaction.

But there wasn't any reaction. I'm completely frozen. It was like cold water splashed all over me, I am brain-dead.

"W-What?" I asked breathlessly.

"I'm pregnant......with our child." Her eyes were widen with nervousness and anxiousness.

You know, I've always wanted to hear those words. Specifically from her. BUT NOT NOW!!!

I abruptly stood up and stared at her in shock. "You mean like, this pregnant?" I asked pointing to my stomach. "The one with another person growing inside of you? Another life you have to put ahead of yours? THAT PREGNANT?!?"

She gulped and nodded weakly.

Suddenly I started seeing black dots and everything around me was spinning, "Oh God...." Was the last thing I said before falling into complete darkness.



"THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE AND DISRESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR! HOW COULD YOU BE SO FOOLISH AND IRRESPONSIBLE?" He paused for a moment and pinched the bridge of his nose. His eyes were blazing full of anger. Without making any eye contact, he walked out, slamming the doors behind him. The loud echo soon faded and silence hung in the air.

Sam's sniffing continued and all I could do at the moment was squeezing her hand, letting her know I'm here for her.

I didn't dare look up to anyone's gaze because I already know what I'm going to see; pity, anger, shock, disappointment. You name it.


Well, it's not like the world is ending.


I mean, it's just a baby.

Just a baby?!? What the hell?!? Are you even listening to yourself?

Well I don't know what to do!

Hmm, let's see. What can poor 'ole helpless Robert could do? Oh! You could first get a freakin' grip on yourself and grow some balls!

Sarcasm wasn't need, you douche.

But then again, you are talking to yourself.


From the corner of my eye, I saw the Joy, Elizabeth, and an older woman who is in fact Sam's mother walking towards us- well their attention was more focused on Sam.

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