Chapter 1: Heart of Broken Glass

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Name: Jerome Valeska                                                                                                                                               Age: 7                         

Jerome's POV 

                  Sitting on the floor bloody, bruised, and heartbroken had become a normal occurrence. Mommy hit me. Again. I don't even know what I managed to do wrong this time. I did the dishes, laundry, and cleaned the trailer. Maybe mommy was just in a bad mood again. That's what she told me last time.

                  Tears rolled down my cheeks. This is normal, all mothers do this. At least that's what mommy said. The tears kept pouring. But do mommy's hit their boys like mine does. The picture on my nightstand angered me. The picture sickening me. Disgust covered my face. I picked it up wondering if I should rip it or not. 

               Mommy's cries filled the trailer. Putting down the picture I poked my head out of my room. Peering into the kitchen seeing mommy with the bottle of wine and her tears flowing down into the sink. Her hands trembling. The same one's she used to beat me with. Maybe I should break the bottle and stab her with it. If your gonna drown yourself with the bottle it should be your cause of death. 

                 That's funny. It really is. I shook my head. That's not okay to think about, Jerome. SNAP OUT OF IT! I DON'T WANT TO! Mommy turned her head and looked at me. "Baby come here". I shook my head trembling. She could kill me with that bottle. The same one I thought of killing her with just moments before. 

                 Her face hardened. "You useless piece of shit! I said get over here Jerome. And don't you dare defy me"! My sock covered feet pattered against the floor as I ran towards mommy. She sat on the couch and patted the seat beside her. I climbed up and sat beside her. Preparing to have the bottle smashed against my head. She put her arm around my shoulder. "Jerome, you remind me of your father". She looked down at me before taking another swing from the bottle. "Who's that"? 

             "A man named Sven Karlsen, he was a sea captain. But he died out at sea baby". I nodded as she put her hand on my head, running her fingers through the mop of red curls. I flinched. "Jerome, stop flinching it's pathetic". Another swing. "Sorry, Mommy". She groaned. "Stop apologising! Jerome you will never become a strong man if you are weak"! 

             The bottle collided with the floor. Wine splashing everywhere. "Clean this up"! And she went to her room. I started picking up the shards. One entered my finger. My pointer finger started splurting blood. Oh no! Mommy would be pissed if any got on the carpet. I ran to the bathroom to grab a bandaid. But I couldn't reach the counter. Curse my 7 year old self.

              I pulled a stool over and ran the water washing the blood away. I opened the bandaid and wrapped it around my finger. I put the stool back under the sink and went to finish cleaning the mess. 

                Once I finished cleaning the mess. I picked up the one shard of glass I didn't throw out. It was shaped like a heart. A broken shard of glass shaped like a heart. I was gonna stab mommy. I tiptoed to her room opening the door. She was asleep. Good. 

               I climbed up onto the bed and got ready to stab her. But of course she had to wake up. "Jerome? What are you doing"? Think of something! "I found this heart shaped shard of glass and wanted to give it to you. But I couldn't reach the nightstand so I got on the bed". I patted myself on the back in my head. Good job Jerome. She smiled and took the heart. She examined it before setting it on the nightstand. 

               "Jerome what did you do to her finger"? She said, alarmed. Fake. "I cut it on the glass". She kissed my finger. "Lay down with mommy. Besides I got a headache". She pulled me down with her, putting the covers over me. She quickly fell asleep. I couldn't do it. So I closed my eyes  with the last thoughts being 'Jerome you are pathetic'. 


             Yes a little back story. I wanted a nicer Lila in this, but still the abusive mother. And little Jerome? That's harder to write then adult Jerome. Like how would he think back then. I almost went a little innocent good hearted Jerome. But I decided on crazy little Jerome. And that picture is from the music man, but let's pretend that it's little Jerome and Lila. Next chapter will be up soon. Bye lovelies! 

Jerome Valeska: FearlessUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum