In the Beginning...

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Luna's POV

I can always count on my sharp eyes to help me with my kills. Of course my looks didnt hurt much, short layered blonde hair framed my pale heart shaped face with small pouty lips and a small nose. My big hazel eyes gave me an air of innocence that made getting into places a piece of cake. I hated my looks though, i looked like my mother. She died from leukimia when i was 4 years old and my looks is what prompted father to hit me. I guess i cant exactly blame her, and my life isnt too bad anymore. But i cant tell you any of my story without starting from the very beginning.

~10 years ago~

" YOUUUU STTTTUPPPPIDDDD BIIIIITCCCCHHHHH!!!" my father Kevin Mason yelled at me. His words slurred from the unreal amount of alcholol he had consumed over the last hour, salt and pepper hair slicked back with some type of gel and face scruffy from not shaving for several days. His hazel eyes, once so warm and full of life were cold and blood shot. He latched onto my small seven year old arm and tossed me into the wall by the stairs. I whimpered, clutching my wrist to my chest and cowering against the wall. 

Father grabbed the half empty whisky bottle, guzzling the rest in under 40 seconds. "Diirrrrttyyy Biittchhh" he slurred stalking towards me, breaking the empty bottle as he advanced. I flinched at the sound of the glass breaking. " I ddoonnt thiinkkk youuu uuunnndddeerrrstaaanndd hoowww muuchh ii hattee yooouu" his voice grew gruff and he reached me, picking me up by the collar of my pretty pink teeshirt. Father raised the jagged edge of the bottle to my throat and then looked at me in discust. "ehhhh, I wannttt aaa ddddrrriiinkkk" then he dropped my and stumbled into the kitchen. I took the chance and bolted up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I locked the door and looked in the mirror. Short blonde hair, small button nose, rosy lips and hazel eyes. My pink teeshirt was wrinkled and my khaki shorts had some whisky on them. I sniffled a single tear falling down my cheek, then my eyes hardened and i went under my bed for the black cargo pants i had saved up for. I slid of my khakis and put them on along with a black tank top and black hoody. Then i grabbed my backpack filled with clothes, money and a knife, and a heavy book in my hand i slung the bag on my back and unlocked my door. I crept silently down the stairs clutching the heavy book. Once i reached the living room i paused, peeking over the banister at father sitting on the couch. His white wife beater was stained and his bloodshot eyes stared vacently at the football game on the tv. I crept behind the couch and raised the book. 

"ROT IN HELL YOU ABUSIVE BASTARD!!!! I screeched slamming the book down onto his head. Then i ran out of the house slamming the door behind me and disappearing into the night.

I ran down the deserted streets, cursing the cool weather and tugging my hood tighter around my head and sprinted down the block.

"McNab Street" i muttered, tucking a piece of my short blonde hair into the hood. I frowned at the dimmly lit street sign. Suddenly there was a screech of tires against pavement. I glanced to the side as an unmarked blue van skidded to a stop next to me.

Fight or flight popped into my brain. Being 7 years old, scrawny and on the run went against me and i chose flight. I kicked it into gear and sprinted down the closest random block, making a right at the corner, but these people were bigger, stronger, and they had a car. They caught up to me in no time and put a cloth over my mouth, i breathed in the strong chemicals that burned my nose and then everything went black.

"is she going to wake up soon?"

"yes she should be waking up now"

"shes soo pretty! can i be her friend"

"you would have to ask her that Rizzy"

what happened? ehh my head! i thought slowly opening my eyes and blinking while i sat up 


"Well duh we see that Jule"

"shut up Junie!"

"Make me!" 

"I will.."


I looked around the room at the variety of people lounging around. They all seemed to be 7 like me with a few exceptions. A man stepped forward, 

"Hello Luna, my name is Director and this is my bodygaurd and friend Joe" he gave me a large smile while the huge man, Joe, nodded at me but kept silent.

"How do you know my name? Why did you take me?" I demanded standing up to my full height and glaring at the smiling man who calls himself Director. "I know all about you Luna Mason, i know about your father Kevin Mason being a drunk and your mother Crystaal Mason being a stripper i know everything. I took you because i want you to work for me Luna. Do this and your father wont touch you again." Joe looked me in the eyes "I'll make sure of that, no one hits a girl, expecially a girl child" he said gruffly with a fire in his eyes that made me think he had firsthand experience.

"Soo Luna, im Rizzy!"

"Im Rodney"

"Im Junie and Im Jule were twins!"

"I'm Farah" 

"Welcome to the Young Assissins squad 4" they said together.

"Young Assissins?" i asked looking at the Director. He chuckled "Yes, the name of my organization is the Young Assissins. We train our members to kill" Surprisingly i didnt care, if i learned to kill i could get Father back for the years of abuse. I looked into the Directors eyes

"Im in, what do i need to do?"


OKAYYYY!!!! Hola Wattpaders. I hope you like this, its a chaper that needed to be written for you to understand the actual reason Luna became an assissin. 

The next part is going to be how the guy she falls in love with-Zander became an assissn. BUTTT!! I need some feedback. 

Should Zander 

a)be an orphan who got kicked out

b)e a spoilt rich kid who couldnt get what he wanted


c)be abused by his family

inbox me with your answer





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