
      A female voice cut him off from the background. "Cedric, hurry up! We're going to miss the movie!"

      I froze.

       "Alright," Cedric answered the girl dryly, "I get it. Just hold on. Hello?"

       I swallowed. "I'm here."

       "Sorry about this but I don't think I can make it to your place today."

       My hand tightened on the phone. "I see."

       "I'll see you tomorrow."

       "All right."

       "Cedric!" A female voice, a different one this time called out to him impatiently. Cedric disconnected his call before I could ask what time to expect him tomorrow. I stared at the phone before hanging it back up on the cradle.

      "It's not unusual for him to have female friends," I told myself out loud. Of course he'd have friends...he must be popular with the ladies. How could he not be? I crossed my arms and continued to stare at the phone, wondering just to whom those two female voices belonged to. Friends? Girlfriends?

       I shook my head. "Get a hold of yourself, Kai. You're letting this get to you for no reason." I turned around and returned to what I was doing in the kitchen. I finished marinating the chicken legs but in the end decided to foil them and cook them tomorrow. Cedric likes Teriyaki chicken. He told me so.

       "I'll cook it for him tomorrow," I said out loud as I placed the foiled chicken legs in a large zip-lock bag and placed them in the fridge. "The boy eats like a dinosaur."

      Hmm...teenagers, specially teenage boys seemed to eat like their stomachs were endless voids. Cedric certainly had a healthy appetite and still had an athletic figure. He must play sports or something.

      "Or just have fast metabolism," I mused. I shook my head. Look at me, talking to myself! And Cedric's been the center of it the entire time. The boys been on my mind more than he should be lately. It wouldn't be good if I become infatuated with him. I've already decided that when our affair ends that it'll end smoothly. No tears, no regrets...

       "Who am I fooling?" I muttered, wiping the kitchen counter clean. "I'm already half infatuated with him." It's like I've suddenly become a housewife to a teenage boy. It's laughable, a man my age thinking about someone younger constantly like this.

       I rinsed out the rag and hung it on the faucet before turning around. I looked around my neat kitchen and wondered why it suddenly looked so lonely. Everything was so quiet...

       "Maybe I should get a dog." I toyed with the idea and shook my head. No, I had no time to take care of a pet, but did my home always look this lonely?

       My eyes landed on the wooden polished table in the center of the kitchen. Cedric's gotten into the habit of doing his homework there whenever I was in the kitchen cooking. Or sometimes he would even just sit there, content on watching me move around while preparing dinner.

       I walked out the kitchen and paused in the living room when my eyes landed on the glass coffee table in the middle on the room surrounded by vanilla colored loveseat and couch. Cedric liked doing his work there too whenever I decided to sit down to watch the news on my 42' inch flat screen t.v mounted against the wall. He'd sit right next to my legs on the beige carpet and do his work on the coffee table. Sometimes when he finishes early we'd even watched a few movies together...

Fools Like Us *+A BoyxBoy Romantic Drama+*Where stories live. Discover now