Chapter 4

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I do not own Warriors. I wish owned Warriors but I sadly do not.

Petalkit's POV.

Petalkit poked her head out of the nursery at the clan gathered at the foot of the highrock. After waiting for six moons today she and her three siblings were about to become apprentices. Petalkit padded up to Mapleshade. Is it time yet?"

Mapleshade nodded. Yes." Mapleshade waived her tail. Come on kits, it's time!'

Petalkit and her sibling walked proudly beside Mapleshade. Petalkit sat beside Mapleshade and looked up at the highrock where Oakstar was sitting.

Oakstar raised his tail to silence the clan. Today I'm going to perform one of my favorite tasks as a leader of Thunderclan! Today Mapleshade's kits have reached there sixth moon and are ready to become apprentices." He yowled. Petalkit, Patchkit, Larchkit, and Birchkit please step forward. From this moment until you earn your warrior names you will be known as Petalpaw, Patchpaw, Birchpaw and Larchpaw.

Bloomheart!" The grey tabby looked at Oakstar and pricked his ears. You will mentor Patchpaw. You were a great mentor to Mapleshade and I hope you make him a great warrior just like Mapleshade." Oakstar nodded at Patchpaw and he turned to look at Larchpaw. Larchpaw your mentor will be Ravenwing! I hope you become a great medicine cat just like your new mentor is now!" Birchpaw stepped toward and faced Oakstar his eyes gleaming with excitement. Birchpaw your mentor will be Freklewish!" Oakstar looked at Freklewish. Frecklewish, you will mentor Birchpaw! I hope you pass your skills to your new apprentices!" He yowled. Petalpaw your mentor will be Duskfur! Duskfur you are a young and loyal warrior! I hope you pass your skills to Petalpaw!" The four new apprentices stepped forward and touched noses with there mentors. Petalpwa purred proudly as she gazed at her clan. I'm no longer Petalkit! I'm Petalpaw!" She thought happily.

Sorry about not updating in so long and this chapter being short. To be honest I had trouble writing it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to delve into there kithood or move on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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