Hold Me

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You wake up next to Ed just like every other morning. Oh how you love the feeling of his arms around your waist and your legs intertwined with his legs like this. His chest is to your back and he's breathing in the back of your neck.

You didn't move because he was still deep in his sleep and since it's still early in the morning you decided to go back to sleep.

It's now nine in the morning. Ed's already up and he's playing with your hair and smelling them while humming a melody. You sigh a little under your breath to show him that you're awake now that he's humming those melodies right in your ear.

"Your hair smells like fruit"

He tells you and grabs some hair on your shoulder to smell it. He lets his fingers run around your scalp gently and kisses your cheek after.

"Mhmm? What fruit?"

You turn your body and your back is now on the bed. You look at him. He's always so adorable in the morning. His hair is sticking up in every direction. It's a cute mess and you love it.


He smiles at you. His head is lying on his elbow and his left hand is resting on your stomach rubbing your skin there smoothly.

"Like your lips..They're pink like strawberries"

You touch his lips with your fingers feeling the softness of it. Ed smiles and gently bites your ring finger and let it slide in his mouth sucking it then let it slide out from his lips. You let out a giggle when he does that. You think it's cute.

You turn your body so that you're facing him. You touch his neck and then play with his earlobe then bring your fingers back to his neck and leans forward to smell the soft skin of his neck on his throat. You let your face rest there for a moment. Breathing in his scent. God you love the way he smells even when he's sweating,you still love it!

You touch his arm. Feeling his skin. You slide your fingers from his shoulder down to his elbow and finally his fingers and you repeat the same motions again. You're still breathing in his smell right there on the skin of his neck. Your eyelids feels heavier and you start to drift back to sleep before Ed wakes you up. Again.

"Are you falling back to sleep? What about our sunday morning sex?"

Ed moves his arm that you are touching and slides his hands on your back and down to your ass. He rests his hands there,cupping your cheeks.

You're a little tired this morning because you came home late last night due to a lot of work your boss gave you and you had to finish all of it last night.

"Just let me sleep for another hour.. Please?.. and we'll have your morning sex"

You let out a yawn and hold him closer to you by his neck. You're still breathing there. You know how much Ed loves to make out with you but he'll never force you to do it when you don't feel like doing it.

"Hmmm?" You let that out as a question because he doesn't answer when you ask him.

"Mm kay.." He sighs.

Ed plays with the skin at the back of your neck,rubbing there smoothly. He tells you he loves you a few times and continues on humming the same melody.

You hug him close. Your right arm is under his left arm. You rest your hand on his smooth baby hair at the back of his head and hold him close to you.

"Rub my back baby?" You mumble in his neck.

He does what you told and you slowly drift back to sleep.

Ed Sheeran One Shot CollectionsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant