Chapter 2.

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Consequences. The dreaded word we had to face , that dragged us out of our bubble and right back into reality. I need to find Meredith and Derek as well as the rest of the doctors. I can feel Mark waking up beside me , placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Morning Lex!" I turn to face him and smiling "Morning. I have to go make sure Meredith and Derek are okay as well as Arizona and Cristina, Mark." "Okay Lexie please be careful I don't want you to get injured any further." Nodding my head in understanding , I make my way into the wheelchair and make my way over to Meredith's room. I enter her room seeing Derek fast asleep on the bed next to hers. Shes lucky she has a room with him but I'm guessing they are husband and wife. She notices me wheel myself in and looks up "Lexie where were you last night ? I went to your room to make sure you were okay but you were gone? and This morning!" She says with fear laced through her voice. "Mer, I'm fine I stayed with Mark in his room last night" "Lexie don't disappear again you don't know how worried I was! Everyone is being brought back to Seattle today so go back to your room were being sedated because we're flying." Shit. As if on cue , Dr.Bailey walked into sedate Mer and Derek "Lexie time to go back , Now I want you to go to your room I will be in to you after I have finished here, Now before you ask Dr.Sloan is already sedated you are the last of the 6 to be because you disappeared last night to his room Now GO!." She says calmly. I nod my head and head back to my room only to fall asleep before Dr.Bailey arrived.


/Mark Sloan/

I groggily open my eyes and take in the surroundings , finding myself in Seattle Grace ICU wondering what the hell is going on? I feel someone kiss my hand but it doesn't feel like Lexie. I turn my head in the bed to find Julia smiling at me. Fuck . "Hey Jules" I say to her in a sympathetic tone , unbeknownst to her what is coming. "Hi Mark, how you feeling" "Julia you know what I'm going to say don't you?" a wave of realization hits her making it the slightest bit easier for me to do. " Your breaking up with me for Lexie " I feel so guilty but I genuinely cant help anything when I've found my soulmate. "you never really loved me did you Sloan?" " of course I loved you ! I just .. I just was never IN love with you Julia . I'm so madly in love with Alexandra Caroline Grey .. She is my one true soulmate." My body is tingling because I finally said it, Lexie is my soulmate. "Julia can I ask you one last thing before you leave ?" She produces a box from her handbag and leaves on my bedside table " It's the ring . I brought it hoping you'd propose to me but clearly I was wrong . Take care Mark" and on that final note leaving me in shock she saunters off out of my room. I will propose to Lexie the minute of out of this bed and up on my feet, I just need a few days rest and to plan the most romantic thing for the most beautiful woman I have met. The woman who successfully tamed my manwhoreish ways. The love of my life.

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