Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was sitting on a park bench opposite a coffee shop, downtown. Every Saturday is open mic, beginning at 12pm. Every Saturday I find myself sitting on this park bench, contemplating, to either walk in or just go home. Each Saturday the latter is chosen. I don't know why I choose to endure this torture, even if I know I would never have the balls to walk in, let alone sing.

With that final thought, I get up and begin to make my way back home. Just as I take a step, something catches my eye. Behind the bench is a big willow tree and at it's root something was catching the suns rays. I go to pick it up and realize it's a necklace with a locket on it. Wiping the dirt from the locket, I see the engraved picture of a moon and sun embracing on it. I already have this weird obsession with the moon, so that made it feel like a serendipitous moment. I don't know how else to explain it, it felt like fate was intervening at that very moment.

I open the locket to find a worn out picture of a little girl with long raven colored hair. I couldn't make out any other features, the picture was so damaged. On the other side is a short poem.




It was short and simple. When I closed it on the back there was another engraving.

"Never too far"

Whoever the little girl was, she was loved. I couldn't help but feel a little envious. The fact that love like that existed, and someone took the time to make this locket, gave me a warm feeling.

Just as I'm about to continue on my way back home, I look at the coffee shop one last time. With the locket in my hand, somehow I didn't feel anxious or nervous. I felt something I would have never associated with myself, confident. Today my insecurities wouldn't win.


I turn off the engine in the parking lot of my building. I get my phone to call Jordan.

"Hey Babe!!" I cringe a little at the pet name. "Hey Jor, I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time?" I begin to get out of the car.

"Not at all Babe. I'm all yours!" I can hear the grin in his voice. "I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow night. We haven't had a date night in a while, so I just thought we could meet up tomorrow." I'm starting to babel and I smack myself on the head.

"Umm, about tomorrow night. I was going to go to this gallery opening. A friend of mine helped organize it and I was going to support him." he begins to sound a tad nervous. I can tell he didn't wanna miss it but he also didn't wanna cancel on me. I was hoping he would, lets me off the hook. "But, if you don't mind, would you probably, I don't know, maybe accompany me to it?" His super cute when his nervous and rambles on, one of the things that I genuinely liked about him.

It takes me a while to reply. "It's totally up to you though Mils, we can do whatever you want. I'm sure Troy will be fine." I stop him before as he rambles on,"It's fine Jor. We can go to the opening. It might be a good thing to get a bit of culture exposure." He laughs at that,"You're cultured enough babe" he says with a flirtatious tone. Before I could reply I hear someone calling for him in the background. "I'm sorry Babe but I gotta run"

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow night". "Can't wait. See you then Babe" with that he ends the call. Finally free, I take out my key and open the door to my apartment.

Before I even shut the door behind me, I almost fall to the floor, as a certain not so little sister bombards me with a koala hug. "Kaki, I missed you as usual." she says still attached to my body. "Missed you too Sof, but please let me breathe!!" I beg. She giggles and lets me go.

"How was your day Kaki?" she says as we make our way to the couch in the living room. "It was fine Sof. I would have preferred to have spent it here with you though" I go for the remote and switch the channel trying to find something good to watch. "I know I'm super fun Kaki but you have to focus when you're at work" she says bursting into laughter at her own joke. She for sure is my sister. "How can I when with you I could do this all day" I dive to her and begin to tickle her. She starts kicking and screaming for mum but can't seem to make out words from laughing too hard.

I stop and sit back down. "You're right. You are super fun" I say with a triumphant grin.

I know this chapter was abit dragged out but I'm trying my best. Just go with me on this, I swear it's a great story. At least in my head it is. We shall see I guess. Jordan is Jordan Fisher. His a super talented singer and dancer. I just thought they would make a hot couple. Camren is still hotter ;) Next chapter should be up by tomorrow. Lauren will be showing up soon I promise.

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