That was when I realized what I was supposed to remember. Ahmose and I had been together at one point. He had been important to me, and I had loved him. I was supposed to protect him from Thutmosis. But somehow I was no longer with him, and had mysteriously returned to my original life, nearly forgetting all about him. And consequently, I hadn't been there for him when he had needed me.

I slumped over the sarcophagus and screamed over his mangled mummified form. He had been desecrated, his mummy chopped into pieces. Whoever had done this had only been interested in destroying him, as they had left behind all this valuable treasure. I reached down and clasped his broken hand, and continued to scream into the darkness.

Something warm brushed my cheek, and I awakened with a start.

My eyes shot open to soft firelight, the marble walls around me beautiful and familiar. My heart ached during those few moments of grogginess until I realized it had only been a horrible nightmare and I was still in ancient Egypt. Ahmose wasn't lying in pieces somewhere alone. He was still alive and well.

There was something cool and light as a feather resting on my chest. I grasped the stem and held the rose up, wondering how it had gotten there. Its petals were flaming red and vibrant. I glanced passed it and found Ahmose sitting at my bedside. His golden brown eyes were gazing down at me and he looked worried. I sat up and saw I was clutching his hand. I took a few deep breaths to clear my head.

"Are you all right?" he asked gently. "You looked so restless."

I reached out and caressed his cheek, and then pulled him against me. I breathed in his sweet fragrance and savored his warm arms around me. "Yes, it was just a bad dream," I replied, hoping he wouldn't ask about it. I just wanted to forget it. His death was as fresh in my mind as his hand that clasped my back. Ahmose tucked the rose into my hair.

"You're safe," he reminded me gently. "Are you ready for dinner?"

"Dinner," I whispered, and brushed my forehead. I gazed out the window and saw it was night. I had slept most of the evening away. "I didn't mean to sleep for so long. I was very tired."

Ahmose's expression hardened and his eyes grew dark. "Why were you restless? What troubles you?" he asked.

"I'm worried about you," I confessed. He leaned in and kissed me gently.

"You shouldn't worry so much about me. I can take care of myself," he declared.

I sat at the edge of the bed, and curled my legs up to my chest. I watched the hearth burn brightly as the spring night grew cool. I was wrapped in a thin silver robe, and could feel the warmth of his hand as he placed it on my back. His lips moved to my cheek.

He noticed the forlorn look in my eyes and changed the subject entirely. "Come along. I believe if you have a nice meal, you will feel better."

I followed him to his chamber, and in the floor upon a rug were large pillows with flower petals strewn on them. Between the pillows sat two jeweled chalices and an amphora. "Are we taking dinner here?"

"I hope that is all right," he murmured, and brushed my arms with his hands, pressing his lips to the back of my neck. I shivered under his light touch. His lips trailed from the nape of my neck up to the edge of my jaw, catching the lobe of my ear. I gasped at the gentle touch, and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"The servants will bring dinner soon," he whispered and led me over to the pillows. He fixed a drink for me.

A statuette I had never seen before was now on a pedestal by the window.

"That's my mother," he said, noticing my admiration of it. "This is one of her most extravagant busts. The others were placed in her tomb, but this one I wanted to keep. Isn't she beautiful?"

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