"Lola!" Mason bellowed causing his friends to look at her curiously, he abandoned the spot between they two girls and immediately ran to her side. Lolita's pink lips stretched into one of her charming  smiles, she knew Mason had missed her. Of course he would, he was almost following her around like a lost puppy everyday. "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you I want you to meet my friends."

     Mason wrapped his brawny arm around her small waist and grinned at his friends, " are you gonna introduce us or continue to squeeze the poor girl like she's your teddy bear?" One of the guys teased, causing the other guys to snicker childishly. Lolita shook her head slightly, she realized that he was probably the childish one of the group; with his boyish style, almost like a rejected frat boy, he would probably be trouble although Lola thought he had enticing green eyes.

         "He is right Mason, I'm dying to know the girl you wouldn't stop talking about." The dark haired girl acridly spoke, it wasn't hard to tell that she and Mason had some sort of problem but Lolita didn't care for it.

            "Lola, the girl over there with the bitter attitude is Kylie." Mason said dismissively , while he continued to introduce his friends. Lola had learned the the three guys names were Jay, Glenn, and who Lolita had referred to as the reject frat boy Darrel. The familiar face had a name, Arriel, Lolita didn't know why she found Arriel to be someone she might've known but instead of dwelling on it she moved on enjoying the sight of four boys who didn't act their correct ages.

Mason was a different person around his friends, Lolita couldn't help but notice how he would often say and do things for the attention of others. It was a big turn off for Lolita, she couldn't stand when anybody would be completely different when they were around certain people. She shook her head as Mason bragged about the cars that he would claim to be getting soon, the others ate it up but Lolita saw right through him. The more he spoke, the more it drew Lolita away from him.

She was annoyed by the time the sun had began to set, the backyard had now been lit with tiki candle poles and the pool was vacant . Many of the adults were having a drink and laughing obnoxiously on the patio. Lolita had decided to get away , apart from Mason and his friends, she was starting to get tired of people. She began to make her way into the bieber's home, up the long stairs and down the narrow hallway, to her sanctuary; the library.

      Lolita pushed open the heavy wooden door, and was greeted by the smell of the withering pages of some of the older books and the absolute bliss of pure silence. She sighed softly, taking in the room that had a specific memory that she couldn't get rid of. Lola shivered at the thought, but she brushed it off; did Mr. Bieber have the young girl shivering? She bit her lip at the memory of it all, but continued to browse at the book selection. She came across a few novel on the theory of God, and of course her favorite; Greek mythology.

      "Hmm, I could use a good read." She hummed to herself , whisking two books into her hands. Lolita spotted a big brown chair next to the window that overlooked the backyard. The glow of the lighten torches revealed a few familiar faces, her mother was still there; enjoying her time with a good looking member of the Bieber family.

Lolita took in the site in before her as she had a seat in the chair, she wasn't sure if they could see her but she didn't care. Plainly, she sat, one person could see her; he wanted to talk to her and that was his plan.

      "Excuse me," Mr. Bieber announced to his wife and guests as he stood from the flimsy lawn chairs, sitting the amber colored bottle onto the table. Hailey gave her husband a loving smile , continuing her conversation with Dian and the rest of her friends. No one paid any mind to the way Mr.bieber was practically running through the patio doors. With determination, he walked passed the room in which Christopher was also entertaining his cousins and friends.

     Mr.Bieber hurriedly walked down the long hallway to the dark mahogany door , pushing it open quietly. He spotted the young girl's tanned legs draped over the arm of the large chair. Making sure to close the door behind him as he walked smoothly into the room, his eagerness masked my his cool exterior.

     "Lola," he asserted through the silence of the room, Lolita nearly threw her book. The sound of his authoritative voice made her shiver slightly, but a small smirk stretched on her pink lips; she knew that voice. Mr. Bieber has stepped closer to the chair, placing his hand his red shorts as he did so. "Missing the party , are we? "

      "Nothing is being missed out there." Lolita States dismissively, she closes her book and places it on the large window sill before her. Standing from her seat as Mr. Bieber watched closely, her hips a taunting reminder of  what was actually under her small shorts and bright colored tank top. "Besides, I love books more than I like people."

    "Hopefully not more than me."

     "Especially more than you."

     The sound of his deep chuckle echoes off the walls of the room, the young girl always amused him with her quick resurgence. " I would say I'm deeply appalled that would even make it past your lips but I wouldn't be very honest, now would I?" He facetiously replied, somehow his legs began to move before he could even think about his actions; finding himself standing directly in front of Lolita, his frame towering above hers.

      Lolita's famous mischievous smile graced her face yet again, glancing at him underneath the thickness of her long lashes. "Where have you been Mr. Bieber?" Lowly, she speaks, changing the subject of her insult. Her small hand finding its way to the material of his t-shirt—which Lolita approved of— giving it a slight tug. "Seems as if you were avoiding me."


          The speed of his heart seemed to gallop along, Mr. Bieber hadn't felt her touch in a week or so. He couldn't help the way that his body reacted to the smallest touch of the young girl; it was magnetic, and quiet frankly, pathetic."I'm not the one avoiding anyone, you are." He retaliated almost childlike as he brought his large hand up to the nape of her neck, letting the rough pads of his fingers caress the soft skin of the small minx.

   Lolita shivered slightly, a sense of relief crashing over her body and mind like a tidal wave.  "Little Lola, you looked at me at least twenty times today and yet you didn't approach me." He explained as his voice became rougher as at thickened with lust. The room seemed to become hazy to Lolita, god, why was her body reacting like this?  "Sweetheart, you can't keep neglecting me."

         "No neglecting here , just staying away from things that are bad for me."

       Lolita was right. Mr. Bieber was bad for her and the same thing applied for him. The pair had been careless around each other, not a single thought passed through their mind as the stood in the open view of the window— their hands exploring each other while they became imprudent of the watchful pair eyes that stared in shock.

   How could they had been so careless?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2018 ⏰

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