Jared's smirk fell and he looked away from you. "Is that not pretty obvious?" He chuckled, almost awkwardly. "Do you really not remember?" He asked, looking back up at you.

"I was shit-faced. Do you really think I'd cheat on Shannon in my right mind?" You asked, slightly irritated. "Oh, shit. I forgot about Shannon." Jared let his head fall back onto the pillow as he brought his hands up to rub his face in frustration.

The two of you were silent for a moment as you sat there, trying to remember anything from last night. All you remembered was dancing and booze. You vaguely remembered seeing Jared, but that could just be your mind playing tricks on you. What made you feel even worse was the fact that you wished you would have remembered the night you had with Jared, and not just so you could confirm it happened.

"I have to tell him." You sighed as you got up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jared spoke as he sat up, grabbing your arm to stop you from leaving. "Right now?"

"What's the point of waiting? That'd only make me feel worse." You replied, slightly tugging at your arm asking him to let go.

"Can we at least talk about it first?" He begged you with his eyes.

"What's there to talk about? We had drunken sex. I cheated on my boyfriend. It was a mistake." You pulled your arm away from him and walked towards the door.

"Do you really think you did it purely out of lust?" His words made you stop in your tracks and you whipped your head around to look at him, feeling slightly dizzy from the action. You had almost forgotten you had a hangover.

"Excuse me?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. You watched as he stood from the bed, his "friend," hanging out freely. You quickly covered your eyes. "Please put some clothes on."

You heard him move around the room for a minute before he came and stood in front of you. "You act like you haven't already seen it." He chuckled lightly. "You can look now."

You lifted your hands from your face to find that, although he was still shirtless, he put some pants on. "So what did you mean by that?"

"I mean it's pretty obvious how you feel about me." His smirk returned as he looked at you.

You raised a brow as you looked at him quizzically. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Don't play dumb." He shook his head slightly at you.

"You think I like you?"

"I know you do. So does pretty much anyone that knows you." He replied.

You let the thought sink in. Your first instinct was to lash out and tell him that was ridiculous because you loved Shannon. Not him. But, then you began to think about it. Did you have feelings for Jared? If so, for how long? How did he know if you yourself didn't even know?

"No," you finally spoke. "No, I'm in love with Shannon."

"You'd like to be." His expression changed to one of guilt. "I'd like for you to be, but deep down you know that's not true."

You shook your head as you started to walk towards the door again. "No, if I had feelings for you, I wouldn't be with Shannon."

"You might have feelings for Shannon, but what you have for me is stronger." He called after you.

"Stop being selfish!" You surprised yourself at the sudden rage in your voice. It clearly shocked Jared, too as his eyes widened slightly. "You're not me." You started, your voice softer now. "You don't know how I feel." You walked out of your room and made your way outside and to your car as fast as you could. You needed to talk to Shannon.

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