Let's try this

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Okay, so I'm not really good at making stories. Or even keeping up with them. As I've hoped that you caught on from My Story and Brace For It. Like I told PolkaDotLover16 I'm thinking of deleting them.
I've thought about making a book like this for a while now. And thanks for glamcrazy's Journal I will.
So, thanks for glamcrazy I finally have a chance. glamcrazy just started doing this in-10 years-tag thing. What's supposed to happen is you think about what you believe will happen in 10 years, or what you hope you're going to be in 10 years.
Then you tag how many people you want to.

I'll be 25 and in some place like Zambia, Africa. (I wouldn't mind going anywhere. It's just a place where there's missionary teachers.) I'm outside teaching 3rd to 5th graders history and theology. Teachjng them what they need to kmow and what they want to. Watching the kids play at recess. Boys and girls of all ages laughing and having fun.
After school hours, babysitting and grading papers. Thinking about what to do next day or so. Watching the sick and trying to find a way that I can help.

♡♤Back to the present♤♡
So, yeah...pretty bad. But, I hope that I can. (If you didn't get the hint, I want to be a missionary teacher)

Now for the people that I'd like to hear from...
Insomniac1514 caramelfrappelove lotrlover6204 DreamInColor22 PolkaDotLover16

Just wanted to explain about the song choice. I really like Avril Lavigne's songs....and this is one of my favorie songs. Hope you enjoy. Oh, and comment of your thoughts about me doing this, please.

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