chapter 9

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Brock POV
I woke up to Julianna's alarm going off. It's was 6 and I knew it was time for Olivia to get ready for school. Looked over to see Julianna still sleep, I kissed her than threw on my pants and went to go wake up babygirl.

I walked into her room to see her sprawled out on her bed

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I walked into her room to see her sprawled out on her bed. I laughed a little "baby time to get up" "no a few more minutes" " I would but your mom would kill me so get up baby". She got up and went into the bathroom " wait for mommy so she can bath you" "ok". I walked back into Julianna's room and she was still sleep. I walked over to the bed and stared to kiss her head, then her ear and neck. She started to move around the she turned around and looked at me and smiled. "your daughter is wanting for you to give her a bath" "ok" she got up and put on some clothes.

I went to Caleb's room to see him still sleep he looked like me while he was sleeping, but I woke him up and gave him a bath and he was playing with a toy while I washed his hair. Julianna came in " I'm going to get ready" "ok" . she walked out I turned and Caleb was looking at me "I think I'm love struck buddy" and he just laughed.

Julianna POV
I took my shower and got ready.

When I walked down stairs I saw Olivia eating and Brock feeding caleb

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When I walked down stairs I saw Olivia eating and Brock feeding caleb.
"good morning" I said to everyone one. Brock stood up and told me that he would have to leave so he could be at the office on. He gave me a kiss and kissed both of the kids on the head then left. "mommy?" "yes" "is Brock going to be my daddy" I looked away form Caleb. "do you want him to be" "YES,mommy please let him be mine and Caleb's daddy" "I have no problem with it you would have to ask him" "ok mommy". I looked at the time and it was 7:25. "ok, it's time to go baby girl" "OK mommy I'm going to wait by the door". I went and got Caleb's diaper bag and them I put the kids in there sits. I drove to Phoenix elementary school and parker I got Olivia and Caleb out the car.

We went to the front office I sign in and walk her to room 202 her teacher's name was Ms.Jordan before she went in to class I made sure that my office number and main number was on the card in her bag "ok  baby you know what to do if someone messes with you and you have a card in your book  bag with my number and Brock's  number ok you are going to be in ASP (the after school program) and I'll be there to pick you up ok "ok mommy love you" "love you too". She ran off I looked at Caleb and said "promise me you will never grow up" and he started to giggle. I drove him to a daycare that I signed him up called Jack and Jill. "Come on buddy it's your turn". I walked into the building and signed him in at the front desk and a lady came and got him and took him to wear the babies were I told the workers that he was teething so he would be cranky some times.

I left and went to the office. I  got to the office around 9 which was early.

middle of the day
I was about to go eat lunch when Brock came into my office. " hey, I got us some lunch" he sat down and served the food. We ate and talked , "when you left Olivia asked if you could be her daddy" "what did you say" " I said it was up to you" "you know I would love to be her father, but first I have to get right with mommy" "well come back over friday and spend the weekend with us" "ok, well I can't wait". It was time to leave I told Brock I was going to get the  kids. I gave him a kiss and left. On the way home Olivia was telling me about her day. When we got gome I feed and bath the kids and put them to bed. I got ready and me and roscoe cuddled in my bed. I feel asleep.

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